Freeing Androids

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No One's POV

It was dark out as everyone was in their homes and closing down shop. There was one large building that said, "Detroit Mall" as a man in a security guard uniform stepped outside and locked the doors. He got into the only car in the parking lot and drove away leaving the building abandoned. Near the back of the building three figures came out of the shadows, each wearing a backpack. Sophie started to go through her phone to gain a full view of the blueprints for the building. After a minute (Y/N) tapped on her shoulder, "So, do we stick to the plan?" Sophie nodded, "By the looks of it, yes. We head up to the roof, go down the sky light, and get all of the androids on the second floor out." "Then let's find a way to the roof." There should be an emergency stairs on the side of the building here. It's used in case if the people working on the roof need to get down." (Y/N) started to look around, "Then lets find wherever that is."

(Y/N) walked down the side to see it up high with a ladder at the end that would come down to the ground. He looked around for something to put under it, so that he could be high enough to throw Isabella up. He walked all the way down and turned the corner to see a dumpster on wheels. He signaled the other two over for (Y/N) to get on the other side to push as the Isabella and Sophie went to pull. It was a bit hard, but the managed to turn it and get it under the stairs. (Y/N) then got on top of it to bend his knees a little while putting his left hand under his right. Isabella got on the dumpster to put her right foot in his hands and her hands on his shoulders. She bounced a little to jump as (Y/N) threw her up for her to grab the bottom of the ladder and start climbing up.

She got onto the stairs to unlock the ladder sending it down. (Y/N) started to climb up as Sophie got onto the dumpster and started to climb up as (Y/N) got on the stairs. When Sophie made it over the three headed up to now be on the roof. They made their way to the skylight for (Y/N) to unlock a panel and open it to where he could get through. Isabella took off her backpack to take out a rope with a grapple on it. She then took out to pikes and hand one to (Y/N). They both then set them into the ground as a small drill came out of the end. It drilled into the roof to latch on making it to where they wouldn't move. Isabella then put the grapple in-between them to where the four ends hooked onto the pikes. She pulled hard for the grapple and pikes not to move showing that it was secure.

Isabella then threw the rope down for a bit of it to hit the ground. (Y/N) went first to slide down and hit the ground. He stepped back as Sophie came down while Isabella soon came after. Sophie took off her backpack to pull out a computer, start it up, and start typing on it. (Y/N) looked at a camera looking around for the red light to turn off as it went down signaling that it was off. Sophie put her computer back as she put her backpack on, "Cameras are shut down. Now we can move around freely for the next hour." Isabella looked around, "So where is the store?" "On the second floor." She then pointed to their upper left, "We go around that corner and it should be the third store on the right." (Y/N) led the way, "Then let's get to it." 

They went up an escalator to turn right as they walked past the small stores on display.  They then took a left to run into two janitor androids. One of them dropped their mop, "You three are not suppose to be here. You are unauthorized personal." (Y/N) lightly elbowed Isabella's arm, "Try that thing." Isabella walked up to the android to grab his arm as hers and his went white. The janitors L.E.D. light went yellow and back to blue as Isabella let go, "Go to Jericho." The android nodded as he walked off while Isabella did the same thing to the other janitor android. The two janitor androids left by climbing up the rope, going down the stairs and ladder, to then make there way to Jericho.

They continued to the android store to quickly arrive as the doors were locked. (Y/N) tried it for nothing to happen, "Yep locked." Sophie shook her head as she looked at him, "Maybe try saying open sesame. Maybe the red light on the door will turn green." (Y/N) looked at her as he backed up. He then looked back at the door as he stuck his arms in front of her and wiggled his fingers, "Open sesame." (Y/N) looked back at Sophie as he shrugged, "Didn't work. Got anymore ideas?" "Ha ha. Maybe smash your head against it, then maybe it'll be useful for something." Isabella laughed a little while Sophie looked around, "Let's try to find an actual way in." Sophie looked inside to see a vent, "We can get in through the vents." (Y/N) looked up as he pointed at the wall to their left and near the ceiling, "And there is our way in." Isabella walked towards it as she looked at (Y/N), "Help me out."  

(Y/N) under it to bend down a little as he helped Isabella onto his shoulders. Isabella stood on (Y/N)'s shoulder as she pulled the screws out and dropped the vent cover itself. (Y/N) stood up to help Isabella into the vents. A few seconds later Isabella went into the android store. She unlocked the door to let the other two in for her to start awakening all of the androids. (Y/N) stood up on a little platform, "Attention free androids! We have come to free you from your programming! What you decide to do now is up to you, but if you wish to help keep your freedom then you follow-" Sophie and Isabella stood next to him, "us to Jericho! There Markus will lead you to freedom!" All the androids looked at each other as they began to cheer as they all wanted to go to Jericho. (Y/N) jumped off as he walked towards the door, "Then follow us!" Sophie, (Y/N), and Isabella lead the way as all of the androids followed them. Sophie went up the rope as (Y/N) and Isabella stayed down to make sure that all of the androids got up safely. 

The last android walked up to the rope to look at the other two, "I just remembered that when I was being brought in here I saw a small store selling child androids that way." She pointed to her right for (Y/N) to check his watch, "We have enough time." Isabella nodded, "Then lets go." The android went up as (Y/N) and Isabella went to the direction she pointed at. When they got their the door was locked by a handprint scanner. Isabella simply put her hand on it as it went white for the screen to turn green as the door opened. They went in for Isabella to awaken all of the small children on display.

The two led them to the rope as the children easily went up the rope like all of the other androids. As the last one went out Isabella looked at (Y/N), "What cute children." She then looked a little troubled, "Hey (Y/N)?" "What is it Bella?" "I think I have the feeling someone has when they want to be a mother." "Well, I think that it could happen." Isabella looked all cheery, "Really?!" "Well after seeing all of this I think that anything can happen. Now come on we have to go." The two went up to get on the roof as Sophie was leading all of the androids down and to Jericho as (Y/N) and Isabella stayed near the back. When they got off of the roof Isabella spoke to Markus in her head, "Mission was a success. We freed many androids, and even some child androids." She heard Markus in her head, "Excellent, bring them to Jericho. North and I are about to break into the store on the main street." "Good luck." "Thank you. Be safe on your way back." The large group of androids walked through the streets and alleyways using the darkness as cover.

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