News Building

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No One's POV

Markus was in an elevator with (Y/N) as he knew that he was a police officer from his ID card, as (Y/N) didn't know who Markus was, "You look familiar. Have I seen you before?" Markus gave a little smile as he shook his head for a while, "Sorry but we haven't met. But I get that all the time." (Y/N) shrugged as he looked in front of him again for the small T.V. screen in the elevator to switch from a small show to the news station. It was silent but on the screen a woman was talking to have (Y/N)'s face appear as it said wanted. On the screen words went across the screen to have Isabella's picture appear as well along with Sophie's, "Local officer helps prisoner escape with dangerous deviant. Please call the authorities if you see any of these three." (Y/N) stiffened up a little to look to his right. He saw Markus reach his hand to the screen as it turned white when his hand made contact. The screen soon turned off and went pitch black to have Markus bring his hand back to put it in his coat pocket. The elevator doors opened for (Y/N) to look back at Markus as he walked out to walk down the hall as no one was paying attention to the T.V.s as they were on their laptops and phones. The elevator doors closed again leaving Markus alone until they opened again as he walked out.

(Y/N) walked around the white hallway as all of the rooms had walls of glass. He looked around to see three janitor androids cleaning the floors as one was pushing a cart. He turned right to go to pass by one of the janitors as people in a room to his left were on computers working while the ones on his left were having some kind of discussion. He made his way to the janitor pushing a cart to tap on it's shoulder for it to look at him showing Isabella. (Y/N) tilted his head a little signaling her to follow him. (Y/N) walked past her as she waited three seconds to then follow him as he turned right again to head to a maintenance room that had a computer in it meant to check on how all of the machines on this floor was doing. Unfortunately there was three people in a break room across from it that would see (Y/N) and Isabella go into the room, which would cause suspicion. (Y/N) got on his phone to text Sophie, ["Three people in the break room across the hallway from the maintenance room. Can you take care of them?"] He got a reply instantly, ["Of course I can."] The three people all of a sudden pulled out there phones for them to rush out and head towards the elevator as Sophie sent another message, ["There you go. Now hurry up."]

(Y/N) put his phone back in his pocket to use his ID do to open the door. He went inside to keep the door open for Isabella to come through with the cart. When she closed the door Matt came out from the cart to stretch his legs, "God a man my height should never be in that tight a space." He looked around to find the computer, to which he pulled out as USB drive and put it in the computer while bending over. He did a bit of typing to then stand back up and look at the two, "I'm in. You two should now be able to go to the top floor without any trouble. Sophie will meet you up there." (Y/N) then pulled out a device meant for cutting windows as Isabella pulled out a parachute and set it next to the window, "And when we are finished or the alarms go off you cut this window and jump out to fly away." Matt nodded as he pointed at the door, "Go on. We don't have all day. I'll be watching over you." The two left the room to close the door for it to instantly lock behind them. 

The two headed to the elevator to press the pad to bring it up. When the doors opened Sophie was the only one in the elevator with three parachute bags, "What took you two so long?" The two got in to put on their parachutes and for Isabella to press the highest floor on the pad. The pad then said in red letters, "Special Access Required" Sophie typed a bit more on her phone for the pad to say in green, "Access Granted"  The elevator started going up as Sophie warned them, "We have ten more minutes until the police see that (Y/N) used his ID card and to get here." A minute passed for the doors to open showing two security guards in front of them. One stuck his hand out, "ID please." Sophie hid her phone behind her back for the earpieces in the guards' ears to go off making them hold their ear in pain. With this (Y/N) and Isabella were able to grab them and choke them until they passed out from lack of oxygen. When the two guards dropped the three continued forward to the broadcast station while there were two more security guards were at a desk protecting the door. 

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