~Meeting them~

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Funtime Freddy POV

I was sitting down with Bonbon.
"So Fred do you think you would date someone?"
"Don't know Bonbon... Baby and Ballora are dating and Ennard is... Eh... And you're like a brother to me"
"Yea!" But Ennard did say someone new is coming... So maybe they well be fun to hang around. Mmm...
"Hey Freddy!"
"? Yea Baby?"
"Come here!"
"Ok" I got up with Bonbon on my head and walked over to Baby. I saw a fox standing by Baby...
"Freddy this is Funtime Foxy!"
"Hi I'm Funtime Freddy... But you can call me Freddy or Fred"
"... Funtime Foxy"
"Freddy I was wondering if you can should her around the place"
"Sure I don't mind... Um.. Foxy you can follow me"
"Ok.." Foxy walked to me.
"Hi! I'm Bonbon!"
"Aww you're so cute"
"Yet he's annoying..."
"Says the one who thinks he hears stuff at night!!"
"Shut up Bonbon... Let's go"

I walked around and showed Foxy around them place. I showed her the place where she is gonna be staying too.
"So... I meet Baby and you 2... Is there more?"
"Yea there is Ballora, Lolbit, Yenndo, Bonnet... And... Ennard"
"Let's just say one of then isn't too nice"
"Oh ok"
"Yea... Anyways you can call me anytime you see Foxy"
"Thanks Freddy" I walked away... But something seem off... Eh whatever

Funtime Foxy POV

They all seem nice... I hope we all become good friends... And maybe soon... I can tell them... But now... I don't know. It's not the time yet I still don't know if to trust them.
"... Maybe soon..."

I started to set up my room. I looked around then hear a knock on my door so I opened it to see Baby.
"Um... Yes?"
"I wanted to give you this mirror so you can like get ready? Like..."
"It's ok I understand what you're saying and ok" she smiles and I smiled back.

After a bit she brings in the mirror... It's a big mirror... I thanked Baby then she left. I looked at the mirror and my ears lower.

"I don't want to keep looking at myself..." But I also can't get rid of this mirror... She gave it to me... I just can't throw it again...

I can deal with it...

Funtime Freddy POV

"I'm telling you Bonbon! It's says 2 eggs!"
"'Grandpa'? I'm not that old Bonbon!"
"You act like it!"
"What's with all the yelling?" I saw Foxy walk in.
"Bonbon isn't listening to me! This book says 2 eggs! Not 3 Bonbon! Can you ever math?"
"Yea this book says 2"
"Haha! Told you Bonbon!"

"... You 2 always act like this Freddy?"
"At times Foxy... At times..."
"Oh ok... So who likes baking?"
"... And he can't even read what ingredients he needs?" I started to laugh
"Hey! Normally Baby helps me with the baking! And Fred stop laughingggg!"

I can't stop!
This is funny... Maybe Foxy isn't to bad after all.
"Hey Foxy... You're cool"
"Fred means he would like to hang out with you more"
"O-oh! Cool!" I saw her tail wagged and I smiled.

Bonbon POV


End of chapter
Ayyy! It's done the first chapter!

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