~Should I?~

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Funtime Foxy POV

"So how do you like performing Foxy?" I turn to Freddy.
"It's fun!"
"Hehe... I'm glad you like it"
"Fred here hated performing at first"
"Neverrrr" I laughed a bit. They are so funny... It's nice to be around them.
"Anyways... I'm sure Baby wants to talk to you Foxy so let's go"
"Ok" I got up and walked out with Freddy and Bonbon over to were Baby is with Ballora... I swear they are cute together. I smiled and sat down besides Freddy with Bonbon on his head.
"Ok... So... Foxy..."
"? Y-yes?" Baby stayed quite... Did I do something wrong?

"You're performance was great!"
"... H-huh?"
"Chill Baby I think you scared her"
"... OMG Foxy! I didn't mean to scare you!"
"N-no it's ok... It's just that this was my first time performing so I wanted to do good"
"You can always ask Freddy for help if you need to"
"Wait... What?"
"The kids love the way you perform Freddy"
"Yea but... Not to be rude but Foxy should find her own method to perform... I don't mind giving her pointers but I'm not going to tell her what to do"

My ears lower a bit... Just hearing the word "her" is not good for me...

I'm tran... I want to tell them... But I don't know how they would act... I don't want to hated... Not again...

Bonbon POV

I looked over at Foxy to see a sad face. I went over to Foxy.
"What's wrong?" I waved my paw in her face.
"! O-oh... It's nothing... Just thinking..."
"... You look sad... What's wrong?"
"I... It's more of a personal issue..."
"Well... I'm here if you want to talk!" Foxy smiled.
"You're too sweet Bonbon"
"I know!"

But something is bothering Foxy... What can it be?... I want to help! And I well! When I know what the problem is... Didnfigj

Time skip still Bonbon POV

I looked around to see Fred going off to bed. But I saw Foxy just sitting in her bed so I walked over to her.
"What's wrong?"
"... How do you tell someone... You want to be someone... But you're not that someone..."
"What?..." Foxy sighed.
"I'm trying to say... I'm not who you think I am"
"... Then who are you?"
"... I'm a girl... But I rather be a boy..." Girl... Boy?... Hold up!
"You're tran?"
"! Y-yea..." Foxy's ears go down.
"Hey you don't have to be scared"
"B-but don't you hate me?"
"Why would I? You're just being yourself! And if you're tran so be it! I'll respect you no matter what! That's what friends are for!" I looked at Foxy to see him crying. "! H-hey don't care"
"N-no... It's ok... I'm just glad... Maybe I can tell the others soon..."

Funtime Freddy POV

I heard everything... Foxy's tran... And sh-... He never told us... He's scared too... No matter like Bonbon said we are gonna respect foxy no matter what... But... Shit... Ennard...

End of chapter
Sorry not sorry if they are some spelling mistakes this was rushed and I'm writing this when I'm half asleep

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