~New Friends?~

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Funtime Foxy POV

I was sitting down in my room...
Being way too excited today is the day I'm gonna get my new body!! I just have to wait until night... Soo... Yeaa... I don't know what to do right now... Maybe talk to Freddy? Yea I think I'll so that.

When I turn I saw a orange and white fox in front of me... They are tall...
"Um... Hello?"
"H-hello t-there! I-I'm L-lolbit!" They started to giggle but they were glitching too.
"Um... Are you ok?"
"Y-yes!... W-why?"
"You're glitching a lot"
"Don't worry Lolbit is fine... It's just how they are" I saw a grey bear walk over. "Anyways I'm Yenndo and this is Lolbit"
"O-oh! Foxy... Funtime Foxy"
"I-I h-heard y-you're t-tran r-right?" Lolbit? Looked at me.
"Yea... You?"
"N-non-binary... B-but I-I p-prefer m-male"
"And I'm a dude"
"Oh ok! Well it's nice to meet you 2 Lolbit and Yenndo"
"Same to you Foxy"
"Y-yea!" Lolbit giggle again while glitching... Kinda scary...
"Oh right... Lolbit sometimes giggles... They don't mean to but sometimes it happens"
"Ok" wait... "Oh right! Freddy has told me about you 2! Well only that you 2 are dating"
"A-and h-he's r-right! Y-Yenndo a-and I-I a-are d-dating!" Lolbit hugged Yenndo's arm and Yenndo blushed a bit. "H-heh"
"Why are you always like this Lolbit?"
"B-because i-it's who I-I a-am Y-Yenndo! H-heheh"

I smiled. Them seem like a very happy couple.

"Hey Foxy! Mike is her- Oh hi Lolbit and Yenndo!"
"H-hi B-Baby"
"What you 2 doing here? Normally you don't come by over here a lot"
"We wanted to meet the new guy... Besides Lolbit is happy to see another fox"
"Y-yea!" Lolbit looked at me. "W-we c-can b-be b-brothers!!"
"Anyways! Foxy come on Mike is here"
"Ok!" I follows Baby out of the room over to where Mike was.
"Let's get this shit over with"
"Don't worry he's always like this Foxy"

Lolbit POV

"He seems nice right Lolbit?"
"Y-yea... B-but t-that k-kindness i-isnt a-always g-good"
"Yea I know... Let's just make sure they are all happy" I walked over to Yenndo and hugged his arm. "Huh?"
"C-can w-we w-watch a-a m-movie t-tonight?"
"Sure we can Lolbit" He pated my head and my tail wagged.

I only wish I can out here for a whole day with him and everyone... But I can't...
"J-just t-the m-movie c-can b-be s-so l-long..."
"I know Lolbit... I know... I'll try and find a way to fix that... Ok?"
"O-ok... L-love y-you"
"I love you too"

Funtime Freddy POV

I was pacing back and forth... Ahhh... It's been like an hour now! I just want to see Foxy!!

"Chill out Fred... Mike said to give him an hour"
"I know I know! I just really wanna see him"
"You like Foxy don't you!" I blushed.
"! M-maybe a bit... B-but I don't know yet... I still have to get to know Foxy more before I ask him out"
"Yea yea yea I know Fred just try you best ok! You know I'm always here for you!"
"Thanks Bon"

I saw the door open and Mike walked out.
"Oh... Funtime Fazfuck you're here"
"Why do you call me that?"
". . . Reasons... Anyways Foxy is done now he's just sit-" I ran in the room. "Rude bitch..."

"Foxy!" I blushed.
"H-hey Freddy... What do you think?"
"Pretty!!" Bonbon said
"Aw thanks Bonbon"
"Y-yea what Bonbon said... You're really cute..." Ah shit- Foxy blushed.

"Hey!!" Mike yelled back at her.
"What! You did!"
"'For once'? What's all that about!"
"Oh right..." Baby and Mike started to argue and I walked over to Foxy.
"You do look really nice Foxy"
"Hehe... Thanks Freddy it means a lot to me"
"But guess what"
"You're still shorter then me Foxy"
". . . You don't have to rub it innnn"

End of chapter

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