~What's his story?~

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Funtime Freddy POV

Bored... Ugh...
I was sitting down with Bonbon on my head.
"Hey Fred you like Foxy?"
"? Foxy is nice and sweet"
"No I mean as a boyfriend" I blushed.
"I-I don't know about that yet"
"Alrighy!" So I? No I just meet him.... I mean... He's cute... I covered my face blushing a bit... Why am I like this?

BonBon POV

Fred so likes him! But he has to get to know Foxy more... Ssoo!
"I'll be right back Fred!"
"Ok Bonbon" I left with the vents and when over to Foxy to see him with Bonnet.
"Hey Foxy!"
"!... Geez! You scared me Bonbon"
"Sorry wanna hang out with Fred? He seems a bit lonely" Foxy blushed a bit.
"S-sure... Where is he?"
"His room"
"O-ok" Foxy walked off.
"We trying to get them together Bon?"
"Yes we are Bonnet"

I'm such a good friend!!!

Funtime Foxy POV

I knocked on Freddy's door to hear a "come in." I walked in.
"O-oh hey Foxy"
"Hey Freddy"
"What brings you here?"
"J-just wanna hang out and talk"
"Oh ok... Well come take a seat... There is a chair over there"
"Ok" I got the chair and sat down by Freddy... Gonna make conversation. Gonna make conversation. Gonna make conversation. Gonna make conversation.
"So... Before you came here where were you at?"
"In some other place... The people there were very toxic... They kept forcing me to do this I didn't want to do... Like wear dresses and everything... I was one of the only 2... Girls there... I told the other girl that I wasn't comfortable with my body then she told me I must have been tran so y-yea... You?"
"Well... I have always been here... Baby is like a little sister to me... And Bonbon is like a brother"
"Can I ask you something?"
"Sure!" Freddy smiled.
"How come your right paw is a different color from your fur? And isn't that the paw where you hold Bonbon?"
"Well yes... With its a different color? I may have... Cut it off because Bonbon was annoying as shit back then... He still kinda is"
"Yea... But I'm fine now... Ennard fixed it... Back when he was nice..." I keep wondering about this Ennard guy and his story.
"Do you think you can tell me about Ennard? You guys seem to hate him"

"Well... It started off when we opened up here... And so..."

End of chapter
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

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