~It's a Date~

682 18 16

Funtime Freddy POV

I was in my room blushing. Have to be ready... Foxy said yes... I shouldn't be so scared but I am... Welp... I don't know much right now... Hopefully Foxy would be happy with this.
"Hey Fred!"
"Huh? Oh hey Bon what's up?"
"You seem to getting ready for your date huhhh" I blushed.
"H-hehe y-yea" why am I so nervous? Hah- I sighed. "I just hope Foxy will like it"
"I'm sure he will Fred"

I brush my fur... It's in about an hour or so... Soo I can still get ready... What to do now?
"Hey Bon wanna help me pick out an outfit?"
"Sure! And you gonna really wear a suit?"
"No I mean a bow... Not really sure about a suit"
"Oh ok Fred"

Funtime Foxy POV

"L-looking g-good F-Foxy"
"Eh? Thanks Lolbit who know... You know a lot about Style... I really like this suit jacket"
"H-how e-else d-do y-you t-think Y-Yenndo l-looks n-nice"
"You pick his clothes out for him?"
"Y-yea!... J-just d-don't t-tell h-him I-I t-told y-you" Lolbit started to giggle.
"Too late Lolbit I heard you"
"! O-oh! H-hey l-love"
"You're so lucky you're telling the truth" Yenndo got down... Get again... Why is everyone in my room now?
"So... Yenndo and Lolbit how long have you guys been dating for? And how many dates did you guys go on?"
"We have been dating for... About a few years now... When the place open up... Around a year after the place open"
"A-and t-too m-many d-dates"
"Yea too many to think of right now"

"That's good... This is Freddy's and I first date... Maybe we can really start dating soon? Like be boyfriends"
"Well we wish you the best of luck Foxy"

I walked out of the room.

"I see you're all dressed up Foxy"
"What the- on Baby... Yea I am... You know being ready for the date... Should I be this nervous?"
"It's only natural to be nervous... I was nervous too when Ballora and I first started dating... Freddy keep saying I was nervous cuz I was scared of her tits... And he was kinda right" girls can be scared of tits?... Ok then


"A-anyways... I should be going now h-heh"
"See ya Foxy!"

I walked away and walked over to Freddy's room. I was a blushing mess I was about to knock but then I heard Freddy and Bonbon.

"You really think this looks good Bon?"
"I'm sure Fred!"
"It's just a suit jacket too"
"Yea you said we were not gonna wear a suit soooo"

I knocked then I saw the door open. It was Freddy so I blushed.
"H-hey Freddy"
"Hey Foxy... You look nice"
"S-so do you" next thing I knew it Bonbon pushed Freddy to me.
"Go on your date Fred!" Freddy blushed.
"Fine fine... Let's go Foxy"

No one POV

Freddy started to walk with Foxy following him.
"So... Anywhere you wanna go Foxy?"
"Well... I always wanted to know the place more... Not really of a date huh?"
"No it's fine... I don't mind showing you around... But there is one thing... We are not allowed to go up in the elevator"
"Huh? Why?"
"Mike said so..."
"Oh ok"

After that Freddy showed Foxy around to places that Foxy hasn't been too.

They were having a fun time chatting and they got to know each other a bit more after that.

"So... How was that Foxy?" Freddy ask as he was eating something IDK RN-
"It was good... Maybe we should sit more and chat more for now on"
"I agree with that Foxy" Foxy smiles and Freddy smiles back. "S-so I was wonder if you wanted to be my bo-"


"BABY WHAT THE FUCK!" Freddy got up blushing.
"Don't mind meee"

"The hell! Why the heck you have to ruin stuff"

"Bitch I'm here to make a better! Like I said don't mind mee"

"Kinda hard to do that now" Freddy and Foxy both said
"Oh right... I'm not sorry"

Funtime Freddy POV

Baby why-

End of chapter

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