~Is this love?~

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A break from drawing yayyy

Funtime Freddy POV

Why in the heck am I so blushly around Foxy! Did I fall for him? Aaahhhh... I'm gonna ask Yenndo and Lolbit. I got up and walked over to there room and knocked.
"Come in" that was Yenndo so I walked in. "Freddy? What brings you here?"
"I-I wanted to ask you and Lolbit something"
"Sure what is it?" Lolbit walked over and sat down by Yenndo.
"How can you tell if you like s-someone"
"Ahh so Freddy has a crush ay?"
"S-shut up Yenndo!"
"D-do y-you b-blush a-around t-them a-a l-lot?" I nodded.
"Is it Foxy?" I blushed more.
"M-maybe it is..."

"I-I S-SHIP I-IT!"  Lolbit giggles glitched in and I just covered my face blushing.
"Ahhh! Yes it is Foxy! I like him... A lot but I don't know how he feels about me"

"Just ask him out on a date Freddy... If he says yes you have a shot with him... And if he says no well there are more fish in the sea... Just don't try to force your feelings on him"
"U-unlike a-a c-certain s-someone"
"! Lolbit! You said you were not gonna talk about that again!"
"S-sorry h-hun i-it's J-just a-a b-bit f-funny"
"Heh... Well thanks for the advice guys... I'll ask him when I see him... And I'm not too chicken to ask"
"Ok good luck Freddy"

I walked out of the room a blushing mess... How do you ask a boy out?

A bit of Yenndo POV

I sighed then looked at Lolbit to see them glitching a lot.
"Lolbit... You're out of the TV for too long"
"B-b-but I-I w-want t-to s-s-stay w-with y-you!"
"I know you do... But you have to take care of yourself too Lolbit... Just go and relax ok... You know I'm always gonna be here for you"
"O-ok... I-I-I'll s-see y-you i-in a-a-a b-bit Y-yenndo" I nod and kisses Lolbit's forehead and they when back into the TV... Now... What to do...

(Ok so Lolbit can't stay out in the human? World for long cuz they started glitching like crazy. Lolbit has to rest in the TV when they get like that then they can come back out for a while. But Lolbit doesn't like being in the TV cuz Lolbit wants to be with Yenndo cuz love)

Funtime Foxy POV

I was chatting with Baby and Ballora about random shit. They ask me how I liked my body and I said I loved it and was happy... Even know Ennard is mean to me but whatever! As long as the others like me I'm good... Besides it also looks like I made a brother! With Lolbit of course

Small flash back Lolbit POV

"B-BROTHER!" I hugged Foxy the moment I saw him in his new body.
"! Hi Lolbit! And yes we can be brothers!"

End of that Funtime Foxy POV

But I haven't seen Lolbit today mmmmmmm.
"Does Yenndo and Lolbit come out here a lot?"
"Most of the time they keep to themselves but they do come out... Normally just to say hi or chat for a bit" Baby explained.
"Oh ok"
"? Hey Freddy!" What? I turned to see Freddy walking over. He sat down besides me.
"Hi Baby, Ballora and Foxy"
"Hi" we all said back. He smiles.
"What you guys talking about?"
"Eh nothing important just kinda rambling" I told him and he nods.

Funtime Freddy POV

It's now or never... But Baby and Ballora are here... Whatever.
"So Foxy... Can I ask you something?"
"Sure" I started to blush.
"S-so... I was thinking about it... A-and I was wondering... If y-you would like to go on a date w-with me?" I looked at Foxy to see him blushing.
"I-I... Um -" we heard someone fell and we saw that Baby passed out?.
"OMG! Is Baby ok Ballora?"
"Yea... She just seem to passed out she well be fine"
"Oh ok" Foxy tapped my shoulder and I looked at him.
"I would love to go on a date with you Freddy"

End of chapter

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