~Nosy much~

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Funtime Foxy POV

Everyone seems nice here... But I can tell Baby and Freddy don't like Grey.
"Come on Baby and Freddy you heard what Mike said"
"I know Ballora... I heard what he said... But still..." Baby said.

"Sorry about that" Fade walked over. "Grey can be... A bit cold-hearted to new people... But he treat you a bit better when he gets to know you." Fade sat down across from us. "So... You guys had a question?"

"Yes" Freddy said.
"And what is it?"
"... Is Grey, Fredbear?... Baby wanted to know that"

"Well... Yes and no... How do I say this... Grey has D.I.D... But it's just him and Fredbear... Split personality... There is Grey who is cold-hearted but he cares... Then there is Fredbear who is just mean"

"I see..."

"But as Grey said... Don't push your luck with him he doesn't really like talking with new people"
"That's find I guess" Baby said. "Wait... Is Grey an empty suit? He seemed like one"

"Yea he is... But he can move around just fine"

Wait... Does that mean... Oh shittt

"Ah fuck"
"What is it Baby?"
"Well... One of our 'friends'"

"Hey Baby he's no friend to be!"
"Shut up Freddy... Well someone we know is a endo and... He's not the nicest person... He may try and use Grey"

"... I'll warn Grey so don't worry... I'm sure he well be fin-"

"Someone be touching fox eh?"

That was a big mood swing... He was just happy and now he's mad.
We all got up and follows Fade to see...

"Oh hi Baby. Ballora, Freddy, boy wanna be"
"So you know this pill of burnt ass spaghetti?"

"You got it all wrong Fade! This is the guy that's evil"

"Oh... Well" Fade looks over at Ennard and walks over to him.

"The hell you want you bear?"

Next think Fade had a knife out.
"Don't. Touch. My. Fox."

"That's a nice looking toy knife you got there"

"I'll cut all your damn wires and burn them if you touch my fox again"

Ennard back off... Wow... Fade scared him.

"I need to know his ways"
"Shut up Baby"

And then Baby and Freddy started to yell at each other again. Wut-

Funtime Freddy POV

Baby is so annoyinggg why me?

"Can you all stop with this yelling?"

Grey walked over... I notices Ennard looking his way.
"Looks here you ugly ass spaghetti... If you hurt anyone here I'll cut all your wires and burn them"

"Just hearing you say that is making me more scared of you..."
"And that's a good time"
Fade knows what todo to scare people... I may need to ask him how he does it... And now I'm being a bit nosy... But eh at least I'll be able to learn something I guess... Meaning I can protect Foxy more too! Yea!... But some people are already scared of me... Because I get mad easily... I sighed then looked around.
"Wait... Where did they all go?"

How dare they leave meee!

"They are at the stage Fred"
"Oh... Thanks Bonbon"
"No problem Fred"

End of chapter

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