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Funtime Foxy POV

"I like this pink bow"
"Then you can kept it... I don't wear bows"
"You sure Cali?"
"Yea I'm sure! Besides it matches your fur"
"Yea you're right" what now? I have a tran bow and now a pink one! Yay! I put on the bow well... Because I didn't have one on.
"See it matches!"

"I smell some gay shit in here"
"! Baby! Why you always do this?"
"Because... It's who I am Foxy it's who I am... Also nice pink bow"
"Yes it is nice... Have you seen Freddy?"
"Missing your boyfriend already?~"
"! S-shut up"

"Awww" now theses girls are killing me with their "aw's" and stuff.

"N-no... I just want to talk to F-Freddy"

"About kidsss"


I walked away from Baby and Cali blushing a lot.
"Oh Foxy do you know where Baby is?"
"Huh? Oh hey Ballora she's with Cali right now"
"... Oh ok thanks" Ballora walked off... It sound like Ballora was hurt when I said Baby was with Cali. I'm sure Baby would never cheat on Ballora... Would she? Nahhh.

"Freddy?... Freddy?" I was calling out Freddy's name as I waa walking... Where is he??? "FFRREEDDDDYY!"

"There you are!" I hugged him. "I was looking for you!"
"Heh... Sorry I was talking with Fade to know how to scare Ennard"
"Oh... Righttt Fade did scare Ennard today"

Ennard POV

That brown bear is scary...

End of chapter
Cuz I'm tried and I wanna sleep and IDK what to write now my brain no work today lol XD

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