~The showtime~

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Funtime Foxy POV

I was sitting down with Bonbon. He's seem very nice... As well as everyone else. I looked around then I saw Bonbon on my head.
"You like being on heads Bonbon?"
"Yep! It makes me feel tall!"
"Oh ok"
"Yeaa" I looked around to see Freddy soon watch over. He sat down by us and I looked at him. He looks back and he smiles. I smiled back.
"So Foxy... How are you liking it here?"
"It's nice and everyone is nice too"
"That's good... Besides Ennard..."
"Enn... Who?"
"No one important"
"Bitch ass bear..."
"Shut up Ennard... No one cares about you"
"Mmm..." He looks at me. "Hehe... Is that the new person?" Freddy growled.
"Don't you dare get Foxy messed up into your shit Ennard... Baby wants her to have a good experience not a bad one"
"... Sure whatever you say... Freddy" he walked away. I look back at Freddy he seems mad...
"Fred calm down"
"I know..." Bonbon looks over at me.
"Yea don't worry Fred gets mad pretty easily"
"He does?"
"Yea" I looked at Freddy.
"You ok Freddy?"
"Yea... I'm fine"
"Ok" I looked around to see Baby with Ballora... "So... Is anyone here dating?"
"Huh? Yea... Baby is dating Ballora. Lolbit is dating Yenndo... That's about it"
"Fred here is singleee"
"You too Bonbon" I mean... Freddy is kinda cute... But I'm sure he doesn't like a mess like me.

Funtime Freddy POV

Would I ever date someone? Mmm... Don't know... It's too soon for that still. I don't know... Ugh...
"Hey Fred you ok?"
"Huh? Yea just thinking..."
"... Would someone ever date me?"
"Of course! You're nice and great"
"Hehe maybe" I saw Foxy walked off to her room. I looked around again and saw Baby with Ballora they were talking. I don't know what to do... Mmm...

"Hey guys! Get ready it's almost showtime!"
"Ok!" I walked over to the stage and saw Foxy already on stage. I got Bonbon and got up on the stage. "Another day of off... On right this is your first time right Foxy?"
"Yea... Are the kids nice?"
"Yep... I'm sure they are gonna love you Foxy"
"No problem"

As for that our show started. Working with Foxy is nice. It's seem she really likes the kids too as they like her.
"But I'm the most popular one"
"Shut up Bonbon..."

End of chapter

Yea IK it's short

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