The Start Of Something Beautiful

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One night when Taehyung was sent to his room to sleep at 9 o'clock he stayed up texting with Jungkook...


I hate it here, I can't believe he sent me to bed at 9! Ugh, nothing fun ever happens unless I'm with you guys, why can't he understand that? I wish I could tell him how much I hate him and for him to go fuck himself and leave forever...


Do you know what will make you feel better? Taking a ride in his cruiser


What? I can't do that, heh, just forget what I said...


Tae, nothing is ever gonna make you feel like you're your own person unless you do it. You wanted to say fuck him right? This is a damn good start


Yeah...but the keys are in his room with him


Sneak in. Take them. Then come pick me up

With the rush of adrenaline sifting through Taehyung's veins from the insisting words of Jungkook Taehyung swiftly stood from his bed, leaving his phone as he snuck out of his room, down the hall and stood before his fathers' bedroom door "I'm my own person" Taehyung whispered to himself before inhaling deeply and exhaling just as deeply before slowly opening the door

Taehyung's father was sound asleep in his bed, his work pants on the floor next to his father sleeping in the bed, Taehyung could clearly see the shine of the cruiser keys hooked to his fathers' pants, with a big breath in Taehyung slowly got down on his hands and knees and crawled to the pair of pants messily left on the floor

As Taehyung neared the pants his eyes kept darting to his sleeping father, knowing full well that if he was caught now he would never see the light of day again. Taehyung stopped crawling just inches from the pants as his father shifted and rolled over, Taehyung was tense and instead of moving closer to the pants he outstretched his arm and managed to unhook the keys from the belt loop of the pants before turning around and quickly, but quietly, crawling back out of the room

Taehyung slowly stood to his feet once outside his fathers' room, quietly, Taehyung shut the bedroom door before looking at the key in his hand in amazement that he managed to get it without waking the beast. Taehyung quickly ran back to his room and swiped up his phone that was left on his bed




I got it! I got the keys!


Nice! Come get me

Taehyung smiled at the text, his hands shaking from the adrenaline and excitement of what he just did and what he's about to do. Taehyung stuffed his phone into his pocket before rushing out of his room and out the front door, of course being cautious of too much noise so his father wouldn't catch him. Taehyung crawled into the cruiser and turned it on, his palms sweaty from nerves since he didn't know the full mechanics of driving, especially a cop car, but he managed to put it in drive and slowly drive himself to Jungkook's house, which was only a few blocks away

Taehyung pulled up outside Jungkook's house only to see that the younger was already outside waiting for him. Jungkook smirked and jogged to the car before getting into the passenger seat "This is gonna be fun" Jungkook held up a bag, obviously full of spray paint to vandalize some buildings, Taehyung smiled and started to drive once again, the two chatting about how awesome this was and laughing about the deviant scheme Taehyung had pulled off

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