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Taehyung was woken up by Jungkook who was holding Yeontan "Hey, I'm taking Tannie out to potty and I didn't wanna leave you asleep" Jungkook confessed which made Taehyung smile "Thanks, you can go ahead" Taehyung stretched out and Jungkook took a moment to look over Taehyung's body "How do you feel today? Not sore after last night?" Jungkook asked worriedly but Taehyung shook his head after sitting up "I'm fine, Kook. I wouldn't have continued if it hurt" Taehyung smiled sweetly which calmed Jungkook "Ok, I'll be back in a bit, and don't worry, Namjoon is coming with me" Jungkook reassured and Taehyung nodded

Jungkook and Namjoon took Yeontan out to potty while Taehyung gathered in the living room with the three stooges who sat on the couch "Morning Tae, how did you sleep?" Jimin asked curiously "I slept fine, I can't tell you how great it feels to finally be free. And thanks for talking with me last night and making me some warm milk" Taehyung exhaled happily which made Jimin smile "I'm proud of you and Jungkook, you two deserve better, and you're welcome Tae" Jimin leaned over Yoongi who sat between the two and hugged Taehyung who hugged Jimin back with a smile

"I'm still unsure about all this" Seokjin spoke up while coming from the kitchen to grab the remote and turn the tv on "Hyung, Namjoon would do the same for you and you know it" Jimin complained but Seokjin ignored him before pointing to the tv and turning the volume up "Look, they found the body" Seokjin gathered the attention of the four boys sitting on the couch

"The body of former police officer *** has been found just outside of Seoul, the hound dogs were retrieved from cages too small for them with no food or water, they have been sent back to *** for proper training to rejoin the police department of ***, as for the body, they have no leads as who did it at this time. Updates to come"

Seokjin muted the tv and turned his attention to Taehyung who looked a little worried "What's gonna happen when they find out Jungkook murdered him?" Seokjin asked but Taehyung could only look down and shake his head "I don't know..." Taehyung mumbled and Yoongi placed his hand on Taehyung's back to comfort him "Hyung, with all due respect, I think you should let these two live their lives, whatever happens, will happen" Yoongi looked up at Seokjin who rolled his eyes and headed back to the kitchen to finish breakfast "I can't believe I live with a bunch of murdering children...!"

Jungkook and Namjoon came back into the apartment where they were bombarded by the news of the body being found by Jimin and Seokjin, Jungkook turned to Taehyung who confirmed what the others were saying "Ah...but they don't have any leads" Jungkook turned to face Seokjin who shrugged "They could get a lead, you never know Jungkook" Jungkook sighed and rubbed the back of his neck "Well...I'm gonna give it time" Jungkook admitted before taking a seat beside Taehyung on the couch, Yeontan in his lap but quickly managed to switch to Taehyung's lap

"Kook, Jimin's taking me back to *** after breakfast. We talked about it last night when I woke up and couldn't go back to sleep" Taehyung confessed while looking over at Jungkook who was stunned "What? Why?" Jungkook asked worriedly "I just wanna go back and say a real goodbye to my old life. It's nothing serious, I just feel like I should let go of it properly" Taehyung shrugged "Well, I should go to, what if something happens?" Jungkook glanced over at Jimin before looking back at Taehyung "No, you can't go, you've gotta stay off the radars for a few days, plus, going during the day we should get there before nightfall, it'll be ok" Taehyung reassured where Jungkook had to give the ok, regardless if he wanted to or not

Finally, after breakfast, Taehyung bid his goodbyes to the group and Yeontan, Jimin doing the same before the two piled into Jimin's rental car and headed on their way, Jungkook was a little anxious to let Taehyung go but he wasn't gonna stop him since this was something Taehyung needed to fully move on from his past

Ending Scene | KookV/KookTaeWhere stories live. Discover now