The Truth Is Coming

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The two boys arrived home and while Jungkook carried arms full of puppy supplies Taehyung carried the one, small, fragile puppy with a huge smile on his face. They entered the apartment slowly, Taehyung in the lead and looking around in hopes of spotting one of the many occupants of the apartment "Jungkook, they aren't in the living room or kitchen" Taehyung frowned when looking over his shoulder at Jungkook who dropped all the puppy stuff onto the floor with a huff of exertion "Well, Yoongi's car was still out there so they didn't leave. Let's check their rooms" Jungkook suggested before placing his hand on the small of Taehyung's back while urging him forward, Taehyung blushed a little but walked on and stopped in front of Jimin's room before knocking softly

"Yah, who is it?!" Hoseok whined, sounding a little annoyed like he was being interrupted "It's Taehyung! Jungkook and I have a surprise for you all! Come to the living room!" Taehyung giggled while turning to go back into the living room "Jungkook, get Seokjin and Namjoon" Jungkook looked down the hall at Seokjin's room and gulped, he knew he would be killed for allowing Taehyung to bring this puppy home but he couldn't back out now

Jungkook gathered Seokjin and Namjoon before heading back to the living room, everyone now seated on the couch looking at Taehyung and Jungkook who stood in front of them, Taehyung's hands behind his back while the biggest boxy smile littered his face "What's the surprise? Don't you know we were busy?" Yoongi asked while looking between the two youngest boys while looking annoyed, Jimin and Hoseok nodding in agreement "Taehyung, what's behind your back?" Seokjin asked once noticing Taehyung hadn't shown his hands since they all came to the living room "Ok, nobody freak out, and please don't yell, he's been through a lot" Taehyung started, Seokjin sucking in air already to protest but Jungkook spoke up before Seokjin could "It's just temporary! We're looking for his owners" As Jungkook finished talking Taehyung revealed the small puppy from behind his back and showed the group

"Aigoo! How precious!" Hoseok gasped before standing and rushing to pet the puppy, Jimin following quickly after "Where did you get him?!" Jimin asked excitedly while petting the happy but tired pup in Taehyung's hands "Um..." Taehyung looked over at Jungkook, they couldn't come clean about being at the tattoo parlor because Seokjin would surely kill them "We saw him on the side of the road when coming home" Jungkook spoke up to save Taehyung the trouble "And if he's just temporary, why is there all that stuff over there?" Seokjin asked while pointing to all the bags of puppy supplies in a heap by the door "Well...we didn't know how long it would be to find his owner, or if we even would- Hyung, you can't expect us to just toss him out if he's all alone!" Taehyung begged with pleading eyes at Seokjin

Seokjin sighed feeling Namjoon's hand on his knee and looked down "Taehyung, this dog will be your responsibility, I don't want anything to do with it, do you understand? That means walks, baths, feeding, cleaning up after it, as for keeping it fully if it is homeless, that's up to you and Jimin as it's his apartment" Seokjin stood up, Namjoon right behind him "Yes, Hyung! I promise!" Taehyung nodded quickly, his hair bouncing with the movement "Oh, Tae! The apartment has no problems with pets, so we could totally keep him if he's homeless!" Jimin chimed which brought an even bigger smile to Taehyung's lips

"Well, what's his name?" Yoongi finally spoke up while standing from the couch and heading over to the others to see the pup up close, Namjoon and Seokjin going back to their room, Seokjin seeming to be in a down mood "I've decided to name him Yeontan" Taehyung smiled to which Jimin and Hoseok cooed at "That's an amazing name! I sure hope we can keep him!" Jimin cooed at the puppy who attempted to lick his nose and made Jimin giggle "Hey, Tae, we should feed him" Jungkook suggested while fishing out some canned puppy food from one of the many bags on the floor "Mm, you're right!" Taehyung turned away from the three gooshing over the baby puppy and headed to the kitchen where Jungkook was filling a dog bowl full of puppy food, Yeontan's tail wagged once the smell hit his tiny button nose "Aww look! He's so happy" Jimin pointed to his tail and squealed

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