The End Is Nigh

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The morning light that made it passed the cover of the tree leaves gently shun into the old, falling apart cabin the four boys were bunking in, currently, all four boys were still fast asleep, Jungkook lovingly spooning Taehyung from behind in the master bedroom while Yoongi was uncomfortably asleep on the sofa in the living room and Hoseok, poor Hoseok, was chilled to the bone as he was sleeping on the cold, creaking floor. However, their peaceful morning had come to an end when they were abruptly awoken by the sound of hound dogs wailing, leaves crackling and sticks breaking under the weight of police officers running towards their cabin

Taehyung was the first to awake, shooting straight up in the bed, Jungkook awoke quickly after to the wailing hound just outside the wall behind the bed "What the fuck?" Jungkook quickly scrambled out of bed and struggled to get his clothes on, as did Taehyung. The bedroom door flung open to reveal Hoseok and Yoongi "It's the cops, we gotta bail!" Yoongi hissed "So soon?!" Taehyung felt his blood run cold in fear as he turned to Jungkook "It's been less than 24 hours...he couldn't possibly have done this if he was being legal about it" Jungkook was seething with rage as he hurried to the front door and peeked through the hole in the center of it, he easily spotted Taehyung's father, Dowon, and one other cop "There's only two of them" Jungkook muttered as he glanced over his shoulder at the other three boys who stood in the doorway of the bedroom "It's my father and his friend, isn't it?" Taehyung clenched his hands into fists at his sides

Jungkook nodded and took one last look outside before moving away from the door and walking back over to the other three males

"We know you're in there! We spotted Yoongi's car just down the way. Gotta say; the dogs picked y'alls scent up pretty quick!" The voice of Dowon's buddy echoed through the woods followed by his laughter "How did he know it was my car?" Yoongi looked between each of the boys who had no clue why Dowon and his buddy knew Yoongi's car "Your parents are worried about you Yoongi, Hoseok. If you come out now, you can get off scot-free" Dowon's buddy laughed once again

Hoseok and Yoongi quickly looked at each other "Bullshit, don't believe them Hoseok" Yoongi gripped Hoseok's shoulder which gained him a stern nod from Hoseok as he wasn't gonna fall for that "We're not leaving you two" Hoseok looked at Jungkook and Taehyung who nodded "Taehyung! If you don't come out of that house right now, I will personally come in and collect you. Your so-called friends might not even make it out alive" Dowon gruffed angrily, the boys then heard a gun cocking and the dogs wailing had become louder, eager to hunt their prey

"Jungkook!" Hoseok whisper-yelled and grabbed the younger boys' shoulders "Do you remember when we were here last? We found that hatch on the floor?" Yoongi's eyes lit up as he had remembered the hatch and quickly ran to the other side of the living room to look for it as it was very well hidden "Shit, you're right Hoseok!" Jungkook patted Hoseok's shoulder to thank him for reminding him before they joined Yoongi in looking for the hidden hatch

"That's it! No more mister nice guy! I'm counting to 3 and if you aren't out by then I'm coming in!" Dowon yelled in anger and began counting, being scared, Taehyung froze, and stared at the front door "Tae!" Jungkook called for the older male and yanked his arm, pulling him from his horrified state only to trip over the edge of the hidden hatch "You found it!" Yoongi quickly grabbed the latch which was hard to spot and pulled on it but it wouldn't open "It's stuck!" Yoongi grunted

Taehyung heard Dowon's counting had reached two and a half and quickly shoved Yoongi out of the way before grabbing the latch and yanking so hard the floorboards around the hatch broke into rotten pieces as the hatch flung open "Whoa, that was awesome Taehyung!" Hoseok chimed "Nevermind that! Go!" Yoongi hissed before shoving Hoseok down the hatch and crawling in behind him, Jungkook then climbed down, followed by Taehyung just as the front door to the cabin was kicked down

Ending Scene | KookV/KookTaeWhere stories live. Discover now