The Return

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Taehyung was awoken early the next morning to whining, he rolled over and sleepily looked over the edge of the bed at Yeontan who was whining in his direction while walking in circles in his puppy pen, Taehyung sighed and sat up, one hand rubbing the sleep from his eye "Ok, I hear you, I'm up" Taehyung mumbled to Yeontan whose tail began to wag but before Taehyung could stand from the bed, Jungkook's arm wrapped around his waist securely before Taehyung was pulled back down into Jungkook's chest "Where are you going?" Jungkook muttered as he was mostly still asleep

Taehyung smiled a little but yawned "Tannie needs to potty, I'm gonna take him outside" Taehyung admitted to which Jungkook reluctantly released Taehyung from his grasp "Hurry back, it's too early to be awake" Jungkook rolled over to avoid the light from the lamp Taehyung turned on "I will" Taehyung chuckled before plucking Yeontan from the rounded pen and carrying him to the front door where his collar and leash was placed on his furry body "Let's go Tan-ah" Taehyung cooed before placing the pup on the ground and letting him walk beside him outside

Before long Taehyung and Yeontan reentered the apartment, Taehyung removed the collar and leash and kicked off his shoes before returning to the bed "Go back to sleep Tannie" Taehyung whispered while placing Yeontan back in his pen where the small fluff ball went straight to his poofy bed and laid down, Taehyung smiled before crawling back into bed next to Jungkook who shifted and rolled over to face Taehyung and placed his arm over him, Taehyung smiled more at the gesture and nuzzled his face into Jungkook's chest before falling asleep until later when their alarms began going off for them to wake up for work

Taehyung opened his eyes to see Jungkook standing between the bed and the puppy pen, his shirt off and he was beginning to peel the wrap away from his new tattoo "Jungkook, were you gonna look without me even being awake?" Taehyung spoke up while sitting up, Jungkook jumped a little before looking at Taehyung and chuckling "I was curious" Jungkook smiled "Well, go ahead and take it off, I'm up now" Taehyung stood off the bed and walked closer to Jungkook to see the tattoo better. Jungkook turned his attention back to peeling off the wrap, slowly, the tattoo came into view which brought a look of surprise to Jungkook's face "Tae..." Jungkook trailed while eyeing the Tiger/Wolf yin yang tattoo etched into his skin over his gunshot wound

Taehyung smiled through a bit lip at the tattoo before looking up at Jungkook "Do you like it?" Taehyung asked hopefully, Jungkook taking a moment to finish eyeing the ink before looking at Taehyung with a smirk "I love it" Jungkook leaned down and pecked Taehyung's lips which were curved into a bright smile "Hey, what do you say we skip work today?" Jungkook asked devilishly while walking Taehyung backward to the bed which brought a laugh out of the older boy "We can't skip work just to have sex" Taehyung wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck, not making a move to get ready "Hmm, really?" Jungkook hummed before connecting their lips together once more

But before the two could sprawl out on the bed together Yeontan began to whine and yip at them "Ignore him..." Jungkook started while continuing to kiss Taehyung but Yeontan was getting louder and needier "I should take him for a walk, Kook" Taehyung broke the kiss and smiled sympathetically at Jungkook who groaned and stepped away to allow Taehyung to get to Yeontan who wagged his tail. Taehyung took Yeontan for a walk while the others gathered in the kitchen for breakfast "So, I have to is starting up again soon and I was curious as to what you all are doing about it?" Seokjin asked while looking around the table at the misfits who paused in eating to look at each other

"Well?" Seokjin asked with an amused smile on his lips "Uh, be honest, Hyung, we weren't planning to go back to school, I mean, who needs it? All we did in school was get in trouble" Jungkook admitted while rubbing the back of his neck "You aren't planning to go back to school, huh? What about online?" Seokjin furrowed his brows before taking a bite of his food "It's just too hectic, Hyung" Jungkook dismissed and went back to eating "Yeah, not to mention we learn more being out of school than in school" Hoseok commented with a shrug "And we already have jobs so fuck a diploma" Yoongi chuckled

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