Night Out Having a Hell of a Time

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Taehyung awoke in the morning to silence, confused, Taehyung got out of bed and headed for the living room only to see his father wasn't still passed out on the couch or in the kitchen

Taehyung turned around and headed to his father's room where he quietly opened the door, but his father wasn't there either. Taehyung sighed in relief and relaxed his body that he didn't know was so tense

Taehyung headed back to the kitchen to find something to eat, on his way he checked the clock on the wall to see it was 6:30 his father had been gone for at least 30 minutes for work. With a smile on his face, Taehyung made himself a sandwich before heading back to his room

Taehyung finished his sandwich fairly quickly and headed to the bathroom across the hall to pee before going back to bed for a few hours. Taehyung glanced at himself in the mirror as he walked by it to use the toilet, however, the urge to urinate quickly vanished when Taehyung noticed a large, purple hickey on his neck "Oh my God!" Taehyung leaned over the vanity to get a closer look at the mark "That little!" Taehyung clenched his teeth as he knew Jungkook did this on purpose last night

Taehyung smacked his hands on the vanity in frustration, his father was sure to see the mark when he arrives home, Taehyung had to cover it up before then, but first, he must scowl the one who caused this horrid mark to his neck, Jungkook

Taehyung turned to leave the bathroom but quickly turned back around and rushed to the toilet to pee before he wet himself. Taehyung regained his composure and left the house, marching his way to Jungkook's house, nervously rubbing his hand over the mark an in attempt to cover it from wandering eyes

Taehyung marched up the steps of Jungkook's porch and promptly knocked on the door instead of using the doorbell, Taehyung waited a few moments before the door swiftly opened to reveal a sleepy raven-haired male "Taehyung? Please tell me you don't need a hairbrush again this early in the morning" Jungkook smiled although it was obvious he was dead serious, he must not like waking up early

Taehyung glared at Jungkook before pointing to the mark on his neck "What the hell is this?" Taehyung snapped, Jungkook leaned closer to get a better look at what Taehyung was pointing at "Hmmm, looks like a hickey to me" Jungkook smirked as he stood up straight only to lean on the doorframe right after "No shit. Why is there a hickey on my neck?" Taehyung crossed his arms and watched as Jungkook shrugged

"Maybe because I didn't have time to put one on your di-"

"Jungkook!" Taehyung quickly interrupted Jungkook with a shout, eyes wide and cheeks red "I was only answering your question" Jungkook laughed which only caused Taehyung's cheeks to brighten in color with a dark red "Hey, Yoongi and Hoseok are coming over later today, Yoongi got his keys back to his car so we're gonna drive around looking for signs to take and places to vandalize. Wanna come? Might get a little messy" Jungkook smirked

Taehyung took a pause and thought about it for a second before inhaling deeply and nodding "Yes! Yes, I wanna come" Taehyung stood tall and determined to go "Great. In the meantime though, we're going back to bed" Jungkook grabbed Taehyung's wrist and drug him into the house and up to his bedroom "Wha- Jungkook!" Taehyung bit his lip nervously, now that he knew Jungkook's mother was always downstairs in her chair it changed the way he thought about just being in here "What? Don't you like falling asleep and waking up next to me?" Jungkook smirked teasingly as he walked Taehyung over to the bed "W-well, I...what if your mom catches us?" Taehyung sat on the edge of Jungkook's bed

Jungkook laughed "That's what you're worried about? I thought I told you she hasn't gotten her fatass out of that chair in years, no way she's gonna catch us, hell, even if she got out of her chair there is no way she would ever consider climbing those stairs" Jungkook pushed Taehyung back on the bed so he was laying down before Jungkook crawled on top of him "Now go to sleep before I have to make you tired" Jungkook leaned down to kiss Taehyung

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