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Catastrophe slowly led her group of girls across the lawn. It was late - or rather, early - and the house in front of her was dark. The mansion was secluded from prying eyes, being away from the town and situated with a nice piece of woodland, but they wouldn't be taking any chances: this was a stealth mission.

Cat had only brought a few people with her. Arsyn was to her left, along with Frostbyte, and Cut Throat was to her right. Arsyn had asked her why she was so insistent on taking one of the less experienced recruits, but Cat was quick to explain. She wanted to keep an eye on the girl in case she was the mole. There were a few others back at the base that she was also suspicious of, but it would be best to watch one at a time.

Catastrophe stepped up onto the porch and carefully opened the door - it was unlocked, as was suspected. Thompson never locked his door. Arrogance will be his downfall. The group silently made its way across the hardwood floors and to the first set of stairs. Having memorized the blueprints of the house, Cat knew which way to lead them.

They finally came to a stop in front of an innocuous wooden door. Catastrophe motioned for everyone to stop moving and be silent for a minute. All of the girls held their breath as she placed her ear against the door and listened.

"Something's off," she whispered. "He's an old man. Shouldn't he be snoring? Or breathing loud enough to hear at least? Because it's as quiet as a mouse in there." Arsyn stepped up to the door beside her and listened too.

"I think I hear breathing. It's not very loud, though. Maybe it's just not traveling through the material of the door?" she suggested. Cat looked at the other two, checking for signs of fear or - god forbid - guilty expressions. But the other two looked as curious and concerned as she was, so she nodded slightly and exhaled.

"Okay...here goes." She slowly pushed the door open and surveyed the room. There was a lump in the bed, and she cautiously approached it, reaching out to pull the covers off. Suddenly the sound of breathing that they could barely hear earlier got a lot louder, but it wasn't coming from the bed. The click of a safety being pulled off a gun made her flinch as she slowly turned her head to the right.

Karlie was standing a few yards away from her, with a man on either side. All of them were armed. The moonlight streaming in the window reflected in the woman's eyes, which shone with a dire warning.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't Catastrophe," the detective mocked. "Fancy seeing you here."


Karlie could see the shock in the other woman's bright blue eyes, even in the dark. She couldn't help but feel a little bad for her - held at gunpoint two nights in a row by your mortal enemy? Sucks to be her.

"But...wh...how?" Catastrophe said in a small voice, looking a little dazed. "I don't...I don't understand."

"Oh, so you haven't figured out who's tipping us off?" Karlie said blithely. "What a shame; I expected more from you, Cat." The blonde jerked her head up, hostility flashing in her eyes.

"Don't call me that," she hissed.

"Why? Only your friends can?" Karlie teased, slowly creeping closer to the other woman. "Wait, I forgot you don't have any." Catastrophe snarled at this, anger clear on her face, but she made no move to fight back.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" Karlie continued egging the criminal on. She was only a few feet away now. If she could keep the other distracted for a few more seconds, she might be able to jump her and get her in handcuffs before Cat knew what happened.

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