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Shit shit shit shit shit shit...was all Karlie could think after she quickly but delicately made an excuse to return to her bedroom without seeming rude. Shit. What am I gonna do? I've got to tell them, obviously. But do I tell Andrea or Taylor? I originally meant to tell her mother first, to make sure there wouldn't be a problem.

Karlie turned around and headed back toward the stairs. But if I tell her first, and she's upset about Taylor's past, we could get kicked out. And I do NOT want to deal with house hunting AND an emotionally devastated girlfriend the night before we go after Arsyn and Toni. She paused, unsure if she should go back downstairs.

But who am I to make this sort of decision? It's my problem if I can't deal with Taylor's emotions. She has a right to know, and a right to be upset. Karlie whirled around again, intending to head for the bedroom, but before she even took two steps, she stopped again. But this is a distraction. It could really mess her up, and we need her at her best tomorrow. Karlie groaned, walked over to a wall, and started lightly hitting her forehead off it. Come on, Kloss. Think.

"I've got to tell her," she said aloud to herself. It would be wrong not to. Besides, it could go well. We just need to ease Andrea into the idea of her "bundle of joy" daughter being a notorious criminal. Karlie sighed and approached the bedroom door, hesitating a little longer, before pushing it open quietly.

The room was dark, and the only sounds Karlie could hear were the rustling of leaves in the breeze through the slightly open window and her girlfriend's soft, slow breathing. She slowly approached the bed, still wrestling with her conscience. As she looked down on the sleeping girl, another wave of guilt washed over her. She needs her sleep, too. I hate to wake her. She shook herself, taking a deep breath. Focus, Kloss! You can do it.

Karlie reached out and shook the other girl's shoulder gently, stepping back immediately after as if expecting her to leap up. No such luck; Taylor remained fast asleep. Gathering her courage again, Karlie moved forward and shook her again, a little harder. Again, no reaction. Groaning, Karlie jumped onto the bed, aggressively shaking her girlfriend and calling her name.

Before she could realize what was happening, she found herself on the floor with a weight on her stomach, pinning her to the ground. "It's just me! It's just me!" she squeaked, realizing that maybe turning the lights on first would have been a good idea. The weight moved off her and the light flicked on seconds later.

"Jesus, Karlie, you scared me," Taylor said, helping her to her feet.

"You were sleeping really deeply. That can't have been a good trait in the criminal world," Karlie commented, accepting the help.

"Usually it's not like that. I'm just really tired, I guess. Why'd you wake me up? Did Frostbyte say something?" Taylor asked, looking around for the communicator.

"No, no. I've just...got something to ask you." Taylor looked at her strangely, sitting down on the bed and tucking her feet underneath herself.

"You woke me up in the middle of the night to ask me a question?"

"No...well, yes...it's complicated," Karlie stuttered, shifting her weight. Taylor eyed her coolly.

"You seem nervous."

"What? No." Taylor raised an incredulous eyebrow, making Karlie sigh. The detective sat down on the bed next to her and placed a hand on the blonde's leg.

"I know I asked you this a while ago, but...would you like to meet your family?" She studied her girlfriend's expression closely for signs of anger, but all she saw was confusion.

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