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 "Welcome to my humble abode," Karlie said, swinging open the door. "Mi casa es su casa, and all that. Please don't break anything, I don't have the highest salary and I can't supplement it by robbing museums." Taylor shot her an unimpressed look and stepped into the room, taking in the small apartment.

"Oh, wait," Karlie called out after her. "The commissioner said you have to wear this." She clipped a bracelet onto Taylor's wrist.

"What is it?" Taylor said warily.

"Just a GPS tracker. It will warn me if you get too far away from me, and if you ever went missing I'd be able to find you. Don't try to take it off; only I have the key." Karlie watched the blonde's expression closely, half expecting her to flip out, but the girl simply nodded and went back to exploring.

Karlie sat down on her couch for the first time in ages and relaxed, content to let the other girl find her way around. She was quickly disturbed by Taylor's voice from the other room.

"Um, Karlie? There's only one bedroom."

"Yeah, I kind of live alone," Karlie said. "You can have the couch, or we could share, I guess. I might even have a sleeping bag somewhere if you want to have a slumber party." Taylor appeared in the doorway and stared at her.

"You really didn't think this through very well, did you." It wasn't a question.

"I'm sorry, would you rather be back in solitary confinement? No? I didn't think so." Taylor huffed and stalked over to an armchair to sulk.

"At least I had a bed there," she grumbled under her breath. Karlie glared at her but refused to rise to the bait. She's just bored and looking for an argument. Ignore her, she told herself.

The afternoon passed in silence. Karlie watched some shows she'd been meaning to catch up on, and Taylor seemed vaguely interested because she never moved from her chair. But everytime the detective turned to catch her eye, Taylor was looking in the other direction, so it was hard to tell.

Karlie decided to order some pizza around seven. Taylor hadn't mentioned being hungry; she hadn't spoken in hours, actually, but Karlie was sure that she'd complain if she wasn't fed soon. The two ate in the kitchen in silence. Karlie tried to catch the blonde's attention several times, but it seemed like she was lost in thought.

"So, we're going to have to get up bright and early to do some scouting," Karlie broke the silence. "We should probably get to bed pretty soon."

Taylor raised her head, snapping to attention. "Scouting?"

"Yeah, we're supposed to start tracking down your crew. If you could give us an idea of where we're most likely to spot someone, that would be a great place to start."

"Excuse me?" Taylor looked affronted. "I told you I didn't want to tell you where the headquarters is!"

"I'm not asking for the location of the headquarters, am I?"

"It's the same thing," Taylor hissed. "You want me to lead you to them so you can catch them all. I couldn't betray them like that."

"They betrayed you!" Karlie countered, getting frustrated. "And you don't really have a choice. This was a condition of the agreement - either you help us out and live a relatively free lifestyle, or you're back in a cell. Take your pick."

"I didn't agree to this!" Taylor shouted, standing up. "You don't get to make decisions about my life; I don't owe you anything -"

"I helped save your life!" Karlie shouted back. "Multiple times! Doesn't that count for something?"

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