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"It smells like sex in here."

"Shut up, Martha." Karlie and Taylor were sorting through files at the station, trying to find mentions of where Toni may be located. While Karlie was working the computer, Taylor was across the room, digging through filing cabinets. Martha was also there, for some reason.

"You didn't even try to deny it."

"It doesn't smell like sex in here, Martha, because we showered after," Karlie snarked as she scrolled through endless incident reports.

"So you admit it!" Martha crowed. She was loud enough to catch Taylor's attention, and the blonde turned to look at them curiously. Karlie waved her back to work, circling her finger near her head and pointing at the nurse. Taylor snorted and turned back to the files.

"What are you even doing here, Martha? Don't you have, I don't know, a job?" Karlie asked.

"I don't have a shift until later this afternoon, so I figured I should come help you two out."

"Oh yeah? Feel free to do that at any point."

"Don't worry, I've got some news that will knock your socks off," Martha promised with a grin. "But first, I need details! How is she?"

"She's fine," Karlie said shortly. "She seems fully recovered, my parents seem to like her even though they had a rocky start, and we've both been practically adopted by our landlady -"

"No, no, no!" Martha whispered aggressively. "In bed. Lily and I have a bet." Karlie groaned loudly and pinched the bridge of her nose. Hearing this, Taylor turned around again, a concerned look on her face.

"I'm fine, babe. Martha's just being a brat," Karlie assured her. "Keep looking." The blonde turned back to her work and Martha grinned.

"I've got $20 on her being a bottom," she whispered. Karlie raised an eyebrow. "Come on, you have to tell me! I need to rub it in Lily's face!"

"What makes you think she's a bottom?" Karlie asked, abandoning her attempts to focus on the screen in front of her and leaning back in her chair.

"Subversion of expectation," Martha said proudly. "We all know she's a bad bitch who don't need no man...or woman, but now you're softening her up and helping her learn how to let go of the control she's clung to her whole life." The nurse sighed, a goofy smile on her face.

"You could write a romantic comedy," Karlie said, "but probably shouldn't gamble." Martha's face fell.

"I was wrong? No way! My sweet little muffin could never -"

"What are you two talking about?" Taylor's voice interrupted. The other two swung around in surprise to where the blonde stood with a confused smile.

"Nothing!" Karlie squeaked, turning back to the computer and mindlessly scrolling, not even reading as she went.

"Tay Tay, I gotta know," Martha began, leaning into the blonde's personal space. Taylor leaned away from her, looking a little alarmed. "Did you really top Kloss here? Or is she trying to cheat me out of my money?" Taylor blinked, looking to Karlie for help but unable to get her attention, as the taller girl was blushing hard and pretending to concentrate on her screen.

"Uh, yeah, I guess I did," Taylor said hesitantly. "But she returned the favor." Martha looked at them both with exasperation.

"Great, so who gets the money now?" she grumbled. "Can't even trust you two to make up your own goddamn minds..." Taylor caught her girlfriend's eye and giggled slightly.

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