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When Karlie came back to work on Monday afternoon, she was met at the door by Lily. "Hey!" Karlie called out, "Did you really miss me that much?" Lily grinned a little lopsidedly. The taller girl thought she looked nervous.

"Is something wrong?" she asked, running all of the possibilities through her mind. "Did something happen to Catastrophe?"

"That's just it." Lily wrung her hands anxiously. "No one knows."

"What do you mean?" Karlie could feel her pulse quicken.

"It's been really quiet. At the beginning she would insult the guards constantly, which was funny because they weren't allowed to talk back, but no one's heard a peep from her in days. And she used to return her dishes - which was very nice of her and all - but she hasn't in ages. I'm worried that she might not be eating."

The girls started walking down to the lower level where Catastrophe was housed. "She said on Friday that she hadn't eaten," Karlie said. "I thought she just meant no one had been bringing her food."

Lily shook her head. "I've been making sure she gets enough. But if she's not eating it for some reason, there's not much we can do about it." Karlie looked at her in disbelief.

"Not much we can do? She could die!"

"Okay, let's not jump to the worst case scenario just yet," Lily said. "What else did she say on Friday? Was she acting odd?"

"Umm..." Karlie tried to remember. "She said she didn't feel very well. That she hadn't eaten and it was too hot. Also, she practically begged me to get her out of there. It was a little worrying."

"Okay," Lily said, her mind racing. "We've got to check on her. Something could be seriously wrong. Only the bosses have access to the cameras, and they're unlikely to give us permission, so we're just going to have to go in there and see for ourselves."

"Go into the cell?" Karlie asked, dumbstruck. "You're turning into a real rebel, Aldridge."

"If she's in danger, it will be worth it." The two arrived in the solitary wing and approached the guards, who were once again sitting in front of the cell.

"You two are dismissed," Karlie said. The guards looked at her incredulously.

"Uh, what?"

"Her solitary confinement is ending, effective immediately. We have reason to believe she is in danger, and we are going in there. You two can leave."

"Did the chief approve this? I don't think -"

"Just go!" Lily snapped. "We can pull rank. You won't get in trouble; we'll talk to the bosses about it. But we're sort of in a hurry here." After the guards finally left, Karlie tapped on the door lightly.

"Catastrophe? Can you hear me?" She waited a moment but didn't get an answer. "Alright, we're coming in. If this is all part of your plan to attack us and escape, you should know that this cell is at the bottom of the department and you'd never make it out." Still no answer. Lily nodded at her and Karlie cautiously pushed the door open.

It dragged slowly, impeded by the pile of food trays behind it (which were untouched). The room was cool and the lights were off, so Karlie flicked them on and looked around. Lily gave a soft gasp and headed directly to the bed, Karlie trailing after her once she noticed the small form of Catastrophe bundled up under the blanket.

The blonde was shivering, even under the covers, but her face was flushed and sweat beaded on her forehead. Her breathing was quick and shallow, and Lily confirmed seconds later that her pulse was racing.

"How did this happen?" Karlie mumbled, horrified. She gently shook the girl's shoulder, trying to wake her up. Catastrophe let out a moan of discomfort but didn't open her eyes.

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