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"Hurry up, Karlie! She's expecting us there in an hour!" It was early the next morning. Too early. Karlie groaned and rolled over, trying to ignore the girl leaning over her. "I'm serious, Karls. We don't want to make a bad impression on her," Taylor said, shaking her shoulder.

"Go away," the detective mumbled, hiding her head under a pillow.

"I'll give you three seconds before I go get your mom," Taylor warned. "One..." Karlie snuggled further into the bedding. "Two..." No movement. "Three..." Still nothing. Taylor walked over to the door and started to call for Tracy. "Tra-"

Suddenly she was spun around and pinned against the wall, Karlie's lips preventing her from getting a word out. She enjoyed the attention for a second, but, remembering their time limits, shoved the taller girl away from her.

"Karlie! Sorry, but I'm not so easily distracted. Now get dressed and get downstairs. Now." Karlie raised her hands in surrender, backing away and heading over to her dresser. That was kinda hot, not going to lie.

When Karlie finally made it downstairs, Taylor was sitting on the couch, making small talk with Tracy as she drummed her fingers on her thigh anxiously. "Finally," she said, noticing Karlie's presence. "It's a half hour drive, so..." she glanced at the ornate clock on the wall, "you have approximately three minutes to eat. Get your shoes on; I'll grab you a muffin and a cup of coffee to go."

Karlie stared after her as the blonde swept out of the room. She heard a little laugh behind her and turned to look at her mother. "What?"

"She can keep you on your toes," Tracy chuckled. "I can't remember the last time I saw you up this early without dragging you out of bed myself."

"Taylor can be...persuasive," Karlie admitted. Tracy gave her a knowing look and the girl immediately flushed. "Mom! Not like that," she groaned.

"Karlie! Why do I still see your shoes in the hallway?" they suddenly heard Taylor call.

"Shit. Okay, I'll go get them on before my girlfriend has an aneurysm. Bye Mom, we'll come visit again soon, thanks," she said, giving Tracy a hug before racing off to find her footwear.

Half an hour later, they pulled up to their new house. Well, new part-of-a-house. They'd have the entire second floor (two bedrooms, a bathroom, and a small living area) to themselves, and were welcome to use the kitchen and living room downstairs as well, although they wouldn't be expected to cook meals. Honestly it was a great deal for them because while Karlie liked to bake, she didn't have that much time to perfect cooking, and Taylor certainly hadn't had much practice.

Karlie thought that it was also unnecessary for them to have two bedrooms and had already told Ms. Finlay as much, but was told that they were welcome to have guests over so Karlie was happy with the arrangements.

Taylor got out of the car first, looking excited, and Karlie followed after her, amused at the smaller girl's energy. "For someone who has such a reputation for being heartless, you sure enjoy the simple things," the detective commented as Taylor gasped at the sight of the little lawn ornaments lining the walkway.

Taylor rolled her eyes but continued to zigzag back and forth in front of Karlie to check out every little frog or gnome along the way. Reaching the porch, the couple climbed the steps and knocked. Seconds later the door opened, revealing a slightly shorter middle aged blonde woman.

"Karlie, it's nice to see you again!" she said, reaching out to give the detective a friendly hug. "And you must be her girlfriend!" she chirped, turning to Taylor with an easy smile.

"Yes, I'm Taylor," the blonde answered, bracing herself for the hug she assumed was coming. The woman hesitated for a moment, an almost sad look in her eyes for a split second, before she leaned forward and embraced Taylor.

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