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Martha looked up from her seat at the nurse's station as the trio approached and groaned. "Again? Can't you guys learn to stay out of trouble?"

"That's a bit difficult in our line of work," Karlie laughed. "Anyway, this time she did it to herself, so if you're gonna yell at anyone, yell at this one," she gestured to the girl who was still clinging to her back. Taylor grumbled a complaint before breaking into another coughing fit. Martha's eyes widened in concern.

"Don't tell me you guys had anything to do with that apartment fire a few blocks away."

"Well, it was where we lived, so do the math," Karlie joked. "Have you had many emergencies come in?" Martha shrugged.

"We had a few. It seems that everyone made it out fairly quickly - there was a woman with a little girl, though. She said her daughter was saved by a stranger." Taylor perked up a little.

"Was she okay?" she asked, her voice hoarse.

"Oh, yes," Martha said. "But if she'd been in there much longer she'd have died, I'm sure. I'm glad that was avoided." Taylor relaxed again and became heavier against Karlie's back.

"Uh, babe?" Karlie said. "Do you want to maybe sit on a chair? You're getting kind of heavy." There was a beat of silence before the detective realized what she had said. She hoped that no one else had heard her slip, but Lily was looking at her with a knowing expression and Martha looked ecstatic. I was hoping to put this conversation off a little longer. Ugh.

Taylor didn't appear to be offended - at least she didn't show it. She nodded against the back of Karlie's neck in agreement. Karlie moved toward a row of chairs and gently coaxed the blonde to let go of her so she could sit. She then sat down next to Taylor, planning to offer her shoulder for the exhausted girl to lean on, but was surprised when Taylor shifted onto her lap instead, tucking her head under Karlie's chin.

Karlie began to rub her back gently, offering comfort as her breathing stuttered. Taylor responded by nuzzling closer, her eyes drifting closed. Just then, someone cleared their throat and Karlie looked up to meet Lily's gaze. Her friend looked like she approved of the new dynamic, but was also a little worried about the blonde's condition. Lily tilted her head toward Martha, who was watching with a big grin on her face and what could only be described as heart eyes.

"Uh, Martha?" Karlie spoke softly. "Could you make sure Taylor's okay? She inhaled a lot of smoke." Martha snapped back to attention and stood up.

"Yes, of course! I'll be right back." She raced off, presumably to get some supplies, and Karlie was free to focus on the girl on her lap. Each breath came with a wheezy inhale and a rattling exhale, punctuated by bouts of coughing.

"You told me it wasn't bad," Karlie accused.

"It's not. You know I've had worse," Taylor croaked. The detective sighed and decided not to antagonize her further. A movement in the next seat over startled Karlie, and when she turned to look, Lily was sitting there, facing Taylor.

"Taylor," Lily said, "I just want you to know that what you did today was very brave. You saved that girl's life. A lot of people have had misgivings about your character, but they can't argue in the face of this. I'll let everyone at the station know that you're a hero and should be treated as such."

Taylor was blinking rapidly, and Karlie thought she could see tears in her eyes. "That means a lot to me, Lily," she said softly. "But I didn't do it to be called a hero. It was my fault that the building was on fire in the first place."

"Hey!" Karlie protested. "I'm not allowed to unfairly blame things on you, but you're not allowed to unfairly blame things on yourself either."

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