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Tracy was already setting the kitchen table for breakfast when the couple made an appearance downstairs that morning. Taylor, who was feeling significantly better, followed behind her girlfriend apprehensively. She hesitated at the entrance to the kitchen, so Karlie reached back and clasped their hands so she could gently tug the girl after her.

"Good morning, Mom," Karlie said cheerfully. "I'd like you to meet someone." She was aware of Taylor cowering behind her and she turned to try to catch her eye. She finally was able to and smiled encouragingly, coaxing the blonde to step out of her shadow. What's got her so shy?

"Oh, you must be Taylor!" Tracy reached to give her a hug. The girl flinched a little but allowed the contact, reciprocating politely. "Karlie's already told me a little about you, but I'd love for you to tell me about yourself!" She stepped back and held Taylor at arm's length, appraising her. "You're a delicate little thing, aren't you? I hope Karlie's been taking care of you."

"Mom," Karlie groaned, "Taylor could kill me with both hands behind her back. She doesn't need protecting, and she's not delicate." A certain caved-in car roof would speak to that.

"Well, if that's the case, you certainly have a type, sweetheart," Tracy chuckled.

"A type?" Taylor asked.

"Whoa, whoa. This isn't a conversation that we need to have over breakfast," Karlie interrupted. "Come on, you two just met. Mom, can't you ask her what her favorite color is or something?" Both women ignored her.

"The last girl she dated, a few years ago now, was also a fighter. Rough around the edges, but nice enough too. Karlie seems to have a thing for dangerous women," she winked at Taylor. The blonde met Karlie's eyes and blushed a little. "But that Toni girl was bad news," Tracy finished.

"What happened?" Taylor asked, turning to Karlie. The detective shot her a pleading look.

"Can't we just sit here and chat about the weather while we enjoy our pancakes?" she asked. Taylor sent her puppy eyes and Karlie felt her resolve begin to crumble. "Ugh. Fine." She set her fork down and cleared her throat.

"Toni was my partner."

"Yeah, we got that, babe." Karlie turned to glare at her girlfriend good-naturedly.

"My work partner. This was when I was just starting. We were young and stupid, and we worked well together, so I guess we thought we'd work romantically as well. But Toni wasn't exactly the person that I hoped she would be."

She paused and looked at the others, gauging their reactions. Her mother had an indulgent smile on her face; she had heard this before. Taylor's eyes were wide as she leaned toward Karlie, apparently very interested in the story.

"She changed over time. Becoming more reckless and concerned with power than actually helping people. We had to cite her for poor conduct multiple times. Eventually it got too much, and she decided to leave us - and me. She started her own gang and began to work against us. She was in it for the power trip it gave her to be in control of others."

Karlie noticed Taylor shift uncomfortably. I hope she knows that I don't think of her like that. "Anyway, we haven't seen much of her in the last few years. They've been relatively silent compared to some other groups -" Taylor shifted again, "- and Toni has never been part of a job herself. Typical Toni Garrn, expecting others to do the work for her while she claims the reward."

She heard a small gasp and saw Taylor stiffen suddenly. "Are you okay, dear?" Tracy asked, also noticing.

"Yeah, I'm good," the blonde said meekly, "just inhaled some orange juice, that's all." Karlie shot her a questioning look, not buying her explanation, and Taylor's eyes met hers with urgency and a message that clearly said we'll talk later.

"So, anyway," Tracy said, changing the topic, "how did you two meet?" The couple glanced at each other, mouths going dry. Shit. We should have come up with a cover story.

"Well, you see..." Karlie began.

"It was sort of...work-related?" Taylor said, looking at Karlie out of the corner of her eye. Karlie nodded.

"Yeah, she's sort of a free agent helping us out with a case," Karlie added. "We just really hit it off."

"Well, as long as she's not your partner," Tracy joked.

"She's not. Well, she is, but she's...you know what, moving on," Karlie said. "I've got to start looking for a new place to live. So Mom, Taylor's all yours today. Please don't make her do anything you wouldn't make me do."

"So no spa day?" her mom asked, disappointed. Karlie saw her girlfriend vigorously shaking her head no behind Tracy's back and stifled a grin.

"No spa day. And no baking show marathon. Or playing dress up. Basically treat her like a grumpier version of me."

"Hey!" Taylor protested. Karlie blew her a kiss as she stood to go. "By the way, when's Dad around today?" she asked.

"He'll probably be asleep until noon, then he has to head in to another late shift at the hospital. Probably you two won't see him today, since I'm planning on taking your girlfriend out to lunch," she said, "but he's got the day free tomorrow."

Karlie nodded and headed to the entryway to put on her shoes. She heard soft footsteps behind her and turned to see Taylor. "Please hurry back," the smaller girl whispered, leaning into Karlie's space. "I'm not that good a liar."

"I've warned her not to get too nosy," Karlie assured her. "If she asks something you don't know how to answer, just say you're not comfortable with it." She softly pressed her lips to Taylor's forehead. "Behave today?"

"Always," Taylor said with a grin, reaching up to meet Karlie's lips with her own. "Have a good day!"

Karlie wished her the same and stepped outside, scrolling through the list of prospects on her phone. She stopped over one that looked promising; a single older woman was offering to board people in a large but relatively cheap house, meals included in the cost. Well, I guess I'll start with Ms. Finlay.


When Karlie came back that afternoon, she half expected Taylor to be in meltdown mode and for her mother to be waiting to complain. Luckily, the scene she walked into was far from that: Taylor was sitting on the carpet, and Tracy was kneeled down in front of her, painting her nails.

"Well hello, ladies!" Karlie chirped, walking into the room with a grin. "Are we having a slumber party? What's next, truth or dare?"

"Hello, Karlie!" her mom greeted. "Any luck today?"

"As a matter of fact, yes," Karlie affirmed. "But please explain what's going on here before my brain melts."

"Well, we spent all morning talking and going through photo albums," Tracy began, making Karlie cringe. "Then we went out for lunch, and then we came back here and needed something else to do, so I asked if I could paint her nails like I used to do yours."

"And she let you?!" Karlie exclaimed. Taylor apparently took offense to this.

"Hey! She is right here!" the blonde complained. "You told me to behave and I'm behaving! What more do you want?" Karlie chuckled and affectionately patted her girlfriend's head.

"Don't worry, it's just a pleasant surprise to see you two getting along so well," she said. "I swear you're polar opposites."

"We did have to compromise a little on the nails," Tracy interrupted. She lifted one of Taylor's hands so Karlie could see. They were all black with little red hearts on them. "I'm sure you can guess which part each of us contributed."

Karlie grinned and sat on the carpet behind Taylor, allowing the girl to lean back into her. "How long until you're done?"

"Just a few more on her left hand," Tracy said, continuing her work.

"Great. Do mine next."

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