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Author's Note: Okay, so this is entirely smut. That's why it took so long to write. Enjoy, or just ignore it if it's not your thing. I've never attempted this before so hopefully it's not awful.

Taylor dragged Karlie down the hallway, both of them giggling a little when the taller girl tripped on a roll in the carpet. When they made it to their room at last, Taylor tugged her in and shut the door quickly. The two stared at each other for a moment, panting slightly. "So how are we gonna do this?" Karlie asked, trying to break the awkward silence. A split second later Taylor pounced on her, pressing Karlie back against the door as she rose up on her toes to capture her girlfriend's lips in a searing kiss.

Karlie melted into it, slumping slightly to allow the smaller girl to reach her more easily. Taylor gripped the back of her neck and pulled her down, feeling Karlie grin against her lips. The shorter girl pressed closer and their tongues brushed as the kiss deepened. Suddenly the room seemed too hot, and Karlie felt a shudder of anticipation run through her as her girlfriend's hands slid under her shirt to trail across her ribs.

"I don't think you need this anymore," Taylor said softly, breaking the kiss and tugging on the fabric. Karlie nodded and began to pull it off, but a hand on her wrist stopped her. She looked up to meet the blonde's electric blue eyes. "I want to do it," Taylor said, her voice heavy with desire. Karlie nodded again and relaxed, allowing her girlfriend to slowly pull her shirt off.

She stepped out of her shorts immediately afterward, anticipating Taylor's next move, and was not let down when she saw the hungry look in the other girl's eyes. Dressed only in her simple underwear and bra, Karlie felt that her girlfriend was overdressed. She reached for the hem of Taylor's shirt but was batted away easily.

"Patience," Taylor chided, prodding Karlie toward the bed. Their lips reconnected forcefully and Karlie found herself being walked backward, coming to a stop when the backs of her knees pressed against the mattress. The blonde pushed her onto her back and climbed on top of her, straddling her. A thrill of excitement ran through the taller girl as Taylor shed her top and bra in one go, exposing her beautiful body to Karlie's eyes.

Karlie reached forward, wanting to touch her, but again she was prevented from doing so. Taylor leaned forward and sloppily kissed her, making Karlie groan at the feeling of her girlfriend's breasts pressed against her chest. "Please?" she whimpered once the blonde had sat up again.

Taylor looked down at her with a predatory smile. "Yours first."

Karlie let out a confused "Huh?" but was answered by the bright blue eyes that focused on her bra. "Oh." She sat up slightly, unclipping the garment and tossed it over her shoulder, not caring where it would land. "Better?" she asked cheekily, moving around slightly to tease the other girl. Taylor's eyes followed her hungrily.

"Much," Taylor breathed, forcing her back down onto the bed and smashing their lips together again. Karlie got lost in her taste and the sweet scent of her hair as the blonde began to massage her breasts while they kissed. She startled suddenly as the girl tweaked her nipple, letting out a little yelp.

"Someone's sensitive," her girlfriend teased, pulling back from her lips and focusing entirely on her chest.

"I don't know what you expected," Karlie groaned as Taylor reached down to take a nub into her mouth.

"Not everyone's as emotive as you are," Taylor explained, raising her head again. "Arsyn was always very quiet -"

"Can we not talk about her right now?" Karlie panted. Taylor's cool facade fell slightly and allowed bashfulness to show on her face.

"Sorry," she said, turning pink.

"Hey, you're fine. Now get back to work," the taller girl teased. Taylor's eyes darkened.

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