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Approximately one year later...

"Are you sure we have everything packed?" Taylor asked for the umpteenth time. She'd spent the last few hours quizzing Karlie on everything they'd need for their road trip, but for some reason she still felt anxious about it.

"Babe, everything's packed. You don't need to stress about it anymore," Karlie assured her, closing the trunk of her car. "Come on, let's go say goodbye to everybody. We need to head out soon." The taller girl held her hand out to Taylor, who accepted it and laced their fingers together.

They headed back into the Kloss family home, which was currently full of family members and decorations. It was Karlie's birthday, and Tracy and Andrea had decided to go all out on throwing a party for her before they left on their road trip. The plan was for Karlie and Taylor to drive until it got dark tonight and then to get an early start the next morning.

"There you girls are!" Kurt said, catching sight of the couple. "Your mothers were almost convinced that you'd snuck out and left without saying goodbye."

"They know we would never," Karlie scoffed. "We're on our way to see them now, so I'll give you yours now so you can go watch golf or whatever." Kurt chuckled and pulled them both into a hug, holding them tightly for a second before releasing them and wishing them well.

The couple headed toward the back patio where Tracy and Andrea were sitting, but made a slight detour into the kitchen when they caught sight of Kariann and Kimby picking through what was left of the cake. "Guys, we're heading out," Karlie said, causing both girls to look up from their plates.

"So soon?" Kariann asked.

"You two have only been here a few hours!" Kimby complained.

"It's been eight hours, and you know we wanted to be out of here by five to give us a chance to cover some distance before it gets dark," Karlie reminded her.

"Ugh, fine. Just hurry back. I'll miss you," the younger girl said. Karlie stared at her in shock.

"Wow, Kimby, I wasn't expecting to ever hear you say that. I'm touched."

'Not you, you idiot. Taylor," Kimby said, standing up to hug the blonde. She moved on to Karlie, saying "You'd better take care of her," before hugging her sister.

"Y'know, usually it's the other way around and the sister threatens the significant other," Karlie quipped, returning the hug.

"I can't bring myself to say a single mean thing to her. Look at that face," Kimby said, gesturing to Taylor. Kariann was currently hugging the blonde, and neither was paying attention to the conversation. Karlie turned to look at Taylor and smiled, admiring her girlfriend's features.

"You're so lovestruck," Kimby teased, nudging her with an elbow.

"I can't help it; happiness looks so good on her," Karlie responded. Kariann stepped away from Taylor and headed in the detective's direction, so the conversation ended there. The couple continued on their way, seeing their mothers as well as Kristine outside.

"Hey, we're leaving," Karlie announced, stepping outside. The three women stood and approached them, pulling them into hugs.

"Do you really have to go?" Tracy asked. "I was enjoying having you two around." Karlie nodded.

"Taylor needs to do it, and I'm not going to let her go alone." Andrea nodded in agreement, pulling her daughter in for a fierce embrace.

"And you can call me whenever you feel like it, okay?" she said to Taylor. "I'm always here for you."

"Thanks, Mom," Taylor mumbled, closing her eyes as she rested her chin on her mother's shoulder.

"You two are so good for each other. Doing this together will only strengthen your bond," Kristine commented. "I'm sure it will be a great experience for both of you."

"I am too." 

The two groups parted, and with final goodbyes, Karlie and Taylor weaved their way back through the house and out to the car that sat waiting for them. Karlie opened the passenger door for Taylor, which made her giggle, before walking around and climbing into the driver's seat.

"I'm driving tonight, but you can have the first shift tomorrow if you want," she promised.

"Sounds good," Taylor said. "Are you sure we have everything?"

"Yes, Babe, I promise," Karlie sighed, rolling her eyes good-naturedly.

"And you're sure that it's okay for us to take this much time off? That the girls can handle it without us?"

"Tay, the girls have everything under control. They've been operating as their own special forces unit for us for nearly a year now, and Cut Throat makes a great leader. Heck, even Chucker is happy working for her." They both laughed.

"I'm glad everything worked out and she discovered where her true loyalties lay," Taylor said eventually. "But you know you don't have to call them by their code names anymore."

"I like to. It's like being part of a secret club," Karlie said. "I still think that I need one, though. I don't fit in with the rest of you cool kids."

"Fine, I'll give you one." Taylor stared at her for a minute, biting her lip as she thought. "How about Knockout?"

"Because I'm hot?"

"No, Karlie, because you were knocked out by a piece of falling wood," Taylor deadpanned. "But yes, also because you're hot." Karlie smiled and pulled her into a kiss.

"I love it," she said. "But now can we discuss why you're so reluctant to leave?" The blonde shifted uncomfortably at her question.

"It's just...what if they don't like me?"

"Taylor, you've facetimed them both like, a thousand times," Karlie pointed out.

"I know, it's just not the same as meeting them in person," Taylor mumbled, staring at her lap.

"Look, your dad and brother are going to love you. They already love you. And how could they not? You're perfect." Taylor blushed, glancing up at her girlfriend.

"I love you, Karls," she said with a soft smile.

"You love me?!"

"Yes, I've told you before."

"Babe, that's so embarrassing!"

"Karlie, we're engaged."

"Oh yeah." Karlie looked down at her ring, which shone brightly in the afternoon sun. It was arranged with gemstones in a daisy pattern. "I still have to get your ring, though. I can't believe you beat me to it."

"I couldn't stop myself when I saw it. It was perfect."

"Just like you," Karlie said again, booping her girlfriend's nose. Taylor rolled her eyes, and Karlie poked her again. "Say it."

"Fine. Just like me," the blonde relented, grabbing Karlie's hand with lightning-fast reflexes to stop her from doing it again. "Now drive, you dork. Our parents are probably wondering if we're making out in the car." Karlie wiggled her eyebrows suggestively.

"I mean, that could be arranged -"

"Keep it in your pants until the hotel. Then we'll talk." They shared another laugh, and Karlie started the car. Then they were on their way, heading out into the great unknown. For the first time in her life, Taylor could see a future ahead of her, shining bright and golden. And she couldn't wait.

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