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The next few days passed quickly. Since they now had the location of the headquarters, the people at the station were working nonstop on planning a raid. There was no telling when Arsyn would choose to sell the weapon, or whose hands it would fall into, so they were trying to get it done quickly.

Karlie, as a senior detective on the case, was involved in these plans. But she was also focussing a lot on her other priority - tracking down Taylor's mother. She had finally been given clearance for the contact information, but the number was no longer active. There was an address, for a place about three hours away from Karlie's apartment, and Karlie was currently debating whether to write a letter or to simply show up and hope that the woman hadn't moved.

Because she was always working at the office, and because of the secretive nature of her work, Karlie had decided that it would be best for Taylor to not come with her anymore. She felt that it was just asking for trouble, especially after the incident the last time. Instead, she'd had Lily and Martha alternate shifts at her apartment. Luckily they didn't have much else to do, but Karlie still felt a little guilty about it. She hoped Taylor wasn't causing them too much trouble.

Things had been a little tense between the two of them lately. Karlie wasn't sure why. She didn't think she'd done anything. The blonde just wasn't as lively - she didn't argue as often, for one thing. Actually, she hadn't really spoken at all, unless directly asked a question. Even then she only nodded or shook her head if possible.

Karlie's days were different because of all this. Now, on a typical day, she'd wake up early and get out of bed without trouble - Taylor no longer sprawled out over her. She'd leave quietly and go about her morning routine. By the time she had to go, one of her friends would be there. She'd work all day, come home, let the "babysitter" leave, and check on Taylor. Usually the blonde was already in bed, supposedly asleep, by the time she got home. It was very difficult for Karlie to ever catch her awake lately. She supposed it was bad luck and the long hours of her schedule.

On this particular morning, Martha had taken the first shift with Taylor. She'd be there until around 2:00 before Lily took over for the remaining time before Karlie got home. It tended to work out better this way because Lily was a great cook and made sure Taylor got a decent dinner, while Martha was there to keep her entertained earlier in the day.

Karlie was at her desk, planning out a route to Andrea's house, when Lily walked in.

"Lil, I do believe there was a 'do not disturb' sign on the door," she sighed, looking up from her work.

"I'm sorry, but this really can't wait," Lily said. "We need to talk."

"About what?" Karlie asked, confused. She didn't think that there was anything that pressing to discuss.

"About Taylor," Lily answered. Karlie groaned.

"What is it this time? Has she been causing trouble? I'm so thankful for you and Martha watching her, but if she gets to be too much, I guess I could find some way to bring her along with me."

"No, Karlie, she hasn't been any trouble at all. That's kind of the problem. Martha says she mopes around all morning and doesn't really want to do anything. She won't play any games, and she'll sit on the couch and watch a movie with Martha, but she's not really watching, you know?"

"No, I don't really know. Taylor's different, Lily. She didn't get to do any of this stuff as a kid. She doesn't know how to have fun." Lily glowered at her in response.

"She sure had a lot of fun playing Go Fish with Martha a while ago. And it's not just Martha who's noticed, by the way. She's been eating less and sleeping more. She doesn't talk to me like she used to."

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