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True to her word, Karlie was back the next day. Unfortunately, Catastrophe wasn't. The cell had been vacated and cleaned up, leaving no trace of its former inhabitant. Confused, Karlie headed back down the hallway and was lucky to spot Lily.

"Hey, Lily! Do you know why this cell is empty?"

"Yes," she said with fond exasperation, "and if you showed up earlier like everyone else, you would, too."

"I'm sorry, I didn't sleep very well last night," Karlie apologized. "But seriously, where is she?"

"The chief had her moved to solitary confinement." Lily led Karlie through the halls down to a section that Karlie hadn't been in before.

"What? Why?"

"He thinks that she'll get so desperate for human interaction that she'll start spilling secrets," Lily answered. "And I'm sure it's worked before. But maybe she'll stick it out, who knows."

"So absolutely no one can talk to her?" Karlie asked, disappointed.

"Nope. Not even the guards. They can put food in through a little gate in the door, but that's about all the interaction there is."

Karlie thought about what Catastrophe had said about barely surviving alone on the streets as a child and imagined how lonely that would be. Maybe by comparison this wouldn't seem too bad. Or maybe it will make it worse, a voice in the back of her mind whispered.

"Here we are." The two detectives stopped walking and Lily pointed at the cell, which looked pretty much like it was built into the wall. The only way someone would know it was a cell was by the sturdy metal door part way down. Two guards sat in front of it, looking bored out of their minds. I guess they don't have anyone to bully anymore.

"How long will she be in there?" Karlie asked, concerned.

"Until she starts cooperating, I guess," Lily said. She noticed her friend's expression and patted her on the shoulder. "It will all work out, Karlie. Either she caves and we get all the information we need to take Arsyn down, or the chief gets bored with his little experiment and she goes back to her other cell with dignity."

"Or she refuses to say a thing and he decides that he might as well just keep her here forever," Karlie said flatly.

"That's not ethical."

"Do you think he cares?" Lily didn't have an answer to that.

"Look, if it gets to that point, we'll do something about it. Maybe she'll decide to tell us something? Just where the headquarters is, or the names of the people in the gang. It would help us a lot."

"I wouldn't count on it," Karlie muttered, thinking about yesterday's conversation. "I think that would feel like betraying her family."

"Catastrophe ruled them with an iron fist," Lily pointed out. "They were probably glad to be rid of her. And after Arsyn's betrayal especially, why should she protect them?" Karlie shrugged and turned away from the cell. They walked back up the hallway in the direction from which they came.

"I promised her I'd talk to her again today," she said quietly after a moment.

"Oh? Did your talk yesterday go well?" Lily asked curiously.

"It was going well...until I mentioned Arsyn and made her cry."

"Karlie!" Lily admonished. "Really? Was that absolutely necessary?"

"I didn't mean to!" Karlie defended herself. "She said something a little insulting and I had to say something back. It just slipped out."

Lily rolled her eyes. "Well, if it's any consolation, you're probably the first person to ever make her cry. So you have that going for you." Karlie scoffed and slapped her shoulder lightly. "Anyway, so are you just going to leave her alone, or are you going to hang around the cell and ask the guards if she's said anything?"

"I'll do something even better," Karlie said. "I'm going to figure out a way to distract them so I can talk to her alone for a few minutes."

"Good luck with that," Lily snorted. "But, seriously - be careful. I don't want you getting in trouble over this. Is she worth it?"

Karlie nodded. "She's worth it."


It was nearly a week before Karlie was able to put her plan into action. She never had a good excuse to be down in the solitary wing, and it was hard to come up with reasons for the guards to leave. But one Friday afternoon, she was given an opportunity: free donut day.

The guards would likely be desperate to leave their posts for some food, and Karlie could offer to cover their shift for a few minutes. Luckily, the guards took the bait. They thanked her profusely for covering for them and disappeared upstairs, which gave Karlie the opening she was waiting for. She walked up to the cell door, glanced up and down the empty hallways, and called out softly.

She heard a scramble of movement from inside, and a second later got an answer. "Karlie? Is that you?" Catastrophe spoke breathlessly.

"Yeah, it's me. Look, we don't have a lot of time, I sent the guards upstairs to get donuts, but they'll be back before too long. I just wanted to say, I'm sorry for what I said last week, it was really immature and hurtful and -"

"Karlie, can you get me out of here?" the voice through the door interrupted her. Karlie hesitated before answering. 

"Are you...serious? Like do you think I have the power to have you released? Or do you want me to sneak you out or something?" she asked incredulously.

"I don't know!" Catastrophe's voice sounded strangled. "It's too hard! I can't do this!"

"What do you mean?"

"I don't feel good, Karlie." Her voice was small, and Karlie could imagine her sad eyes. Here comes the guilt.

"Well...have you eaten anything today?"

"No, but -"

"Okay, I'll make sure you're given something," the detective said. "Is it comfortable in there? Temperature-wise?"

"It's too hot," came the mumbled response.

"Alright. I'll look into that too." Karlie heard the sounds of the guards coming back toward the cell, and she hurriedly whispered, "I've got to go. I'll try to talk to you again soon, but I'm going to be on an assignment over the weekend and won't be around."

"No, Karlie, wait! Please get me out of here! Please!"

"I'm so sorry, but I can't." Karlie felt like her heart was being torn as her once-proud adversary begged her. "I'll be back as soon as I can." She stepped away from the door and sat down in one of the chairs, adopting an expression of boredom as the guards rounded the corner with their donuts.

She accepted their thanks once again before leaving without another word. Hopefully Catastrophe could hold it together while she was gone over the weekend. The poor girl sounded like she was on the verge of panicking. Karlie thought that it might be wiser to tell the chief what he wanted to know - it would save her a lot of pain - but she couldn't help but admire the blonde's loyalty.

Karlie decided that she'd ask Lily to do her best to "keep an eye" on Catastrophe while she was gone. Making sure she had food and water would be the most important, particularly if the guards were purposefully forgetful. With any luck, the girl would be feeling better by the time she returned, and maybe they'd be able to put together a plan of action. Feeling slightly more confident, Karlie went off to find her friend. 

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