Chapter 3

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31st December
Everyone started coming in DadI, Bua and family came in the morning and ever since they came there has been laughter riot in the house. Pooja's uncle and family also came.
Two of Dev's best friend came over One of them Jaspal but likes being called Jazz and the other one Mark who is white American but he is more Indian than anyone else. These boys grew up together and knows everything about each other they were more than family infact they spend more time with Dev's family than Dev. Mark cried the most when Disha got married.
Most of the people already arrived by lunch time and rest of them will come anytime soon. The Dixit family was a great host and have been taking care of everyone with lot of love. Everyone was busy preparing for the party some where discussing about their clothes some about food but no one actually asked Dev and Pooja how they are feeling infact both of them didn't even get a chance to talk to each other because there were people all the time.
So Dev's friends really wanted to help their friend so that he can spend some time alone with Pooja before the engagement. Dev really wanted to make sure Pooja was fine with the decision and how is she feeling. Even though he was nervous himself but somehow he felt more for her.
Everytime Dev tried to talk to Pooja someone or the other came or called her or him that they didn't even get five minutes alone.
Pooja's cousin RIYA who is Pooja's best friend too tried a lot to get her out of the oldie groups but nothing worked.
Jazz:: Dev yaar tell me something did you guys kiss
Mark:: oh common Jazz Pooja Babi is an Indian girl they don't do all this before marriage
Jazz:: arey Angrez ki aulad we are Indians too.
Mark:: Jazz you should be ashamed of yourself, I wish I was Indian, what colorful culture, people are so happy all the time and Bollywood wow.
Jazz:: oh Mark Paji first of all its Bhabi and not babi and secondly we all grew up here in this country in America and lastly stop being filmy. Wonder what your mom ate when she was pregnant?
Mark:: oh my mom used to eat Dadi's food everyday that's what my dad told me.
(Marks mother passed away few years back due to cancer she was Nandini's close friend so ever since then Mark spends more time with Nandini)
Dev:: guys can you two stop your everyday fights, I'm nervous and I'm more nervous because I haven't seen Pooja smile even once, she looks very sad and I don't want her to be sad and by the way Jazz no we haven't kissed, infact I didn't even get a chance to hold her hand properly.
Mark:: Dang!! That will be so awkward when you get married. In your suhag raat Dev will ask Pooja 'Can I hold your hand'? (Mark and Jazz burst out laughing)
Dev:: seriously guys? And no I'm not going to ask anything like because by the time we get married I will have enough time to know her.
Jazz:: Dev what's wrong with you? Did you just come from Mars or what?
Dev:: why? What's wrong?
Jazz:: you don't know? Oye! Mark paji you didn't tell Dev what you heard when you were sitting between the ladies and gossiping ?
Mark:: Jazz I wasn't gossiping with the ladies I was helping Nandini Maa wrap gifts.
Dev:: can you guys shut up and tell me what's going on?
Mark:: Dev you won't get time to know her before you get married. Your family spoke to Panditji and he said the auspicious time for the wedding is 25th of Jan and if you guys don't get married now then you will have to wait another year
Dev:: what? Are you effing kidding me? When did this happen? Why no one told me?
Jazz:: I think you were taking shower that time and Pooja Bhabi knows it too and since she heard that news she has been little shocked.
Dev:: Oh my God!! Are these guys serious?
Mark:: Dev what's wrong?
Dev:: I'm feeling so bad for Pooja. Wonder what she is thinking that I didn't care about asking her how is she feeling about the whole thing going on.
Jazz:: Dev are you okay with the decision?
Dev:: honestly till yesterday I felt what's happening and why everyone's rushing, but when Pooja smiled and said she was ready to get engaged I really felt good. I was happy she trusted me in just two meetings and now I actually don't mind marrying her. But I don't know about her, may be she wants to know me better, may be she has some dreams and I'm just sad that I won't get to know all that till we get married.
Oh no I have a conference next week that means I'll be out of town for 8 damn days. WTF???!! That means I'll be back in America right before the wedding functions starts. Oh God I need to talk to her before the engagement atleast ask her how is she doing. I want her to know that there's no pressure from my side.
It's already 5oclock and the function starts at 8 and we have a photo session before that and we don't have time.
Mark:: ok let me go find RIYA May be she can help
So the friends go looking for Riya as Pooja wasn't answering her phone as she was busy getting ready.
Mark finds Riya and she sends everyone out of Pooja's room so she can get dressed. She got her make up and hair done and she is still in her bathrobe as she still has time to get dressed and suddenly Riya sneaks Dev into the room Mark and Jazz was guarding outside
Riya:: ok guys do what u have to do and just don't take a lot of time we are waiting outside.
(Riya goes out and closes the door)
Dev wanted to say a lot of things but he didn't know how to start and Pooja also stood there. She was little embarrassed as she was still in her robe. After almost two minutes of silence Dev spoke up
Dev:: Pooja I didn't know about the marriage date being fixed I just found out. (He walked close to Pooja) I'm really sorry about everything, I know it's way too fast and you don't even know me I mean you don't even know my favorite color
P:: Red and white
D:: Sorry ?!
P:: your favorite color, u told me the other day
D:: oh ok, but I mean I felt you are upset, so if you want to wait till next year then I can talk to the family
P:: No I'm fine
D:: are you sure?
P:: Yea I'm fine ( her eyes welled up her lips were quivering)
D:: hey Pooja! It's okay you can tell me. Come sit down please. (They both sit on the bed)
P:: Dev don't worry I'm fine. It's just that I'm nervous, everything's going so fast. Please don't get me wrong I really like you but I don't know you. There's no emotional connection yet and by the time we get married we have only 25 days that means 4/5 days of functions before the actual wedding like haldi mehndi and what not so we have 20 days then I heard your dad said you will be out of town for 8 days so we have 12 days.
I'm nervous whether I can be a good wife or not, I don't know how I'm going to act after the wedding coz I know nothing about you. I don't know what time you wake up or go to sleep or if you get angry what I should do and she almost started crying
D:: oh no please please don't cry your cousin will think I did something bad to you. Please don't cry!!
Pooja please don't stress yourself with all this.
P:: I don't want to but still I wouldn't know how to be with everyone
D:: oh sweetie!!! Please don't be stressed about all that. It's not only you who is getting married, I'm also getting married so it's not only your job to adjust with everything and it's me who needs to figure out ways to make things easy for you. You will leave your house and come to my house, everything will be new, it's my responsibility to make everything easy for you.
(Dev went down on his knees in front of Pooja as she was sitting, he held both her hands)
D:: Pooja look at me! All I want you to do when you come to my house as my wife, is be yourself. I would never want you to change yourself because you are married. I want to know Pooja Bhatia and not Mrs. Pooja Dixit and don't worry I won't force you for anything, I can wait till you find some kinda emotional connection with me. Ok?!
Pooja nods to him so now he stood up and before leaving he just patted lightly on her right cheek. Which made Pooja feel relaxed. As he was leaving Pooja called and said thanks to him, he turns
Dev:: don't mention sweetheart (he just winked and gave a flying kiss)
Pooja started blushing and turned red like an apple her cousin came in and she went crazy seeing Pooja turning red.
Riya:: Pooja tell me honestly what happened? What did you guys do? Did you guys kiss? Or he did something else?
P:: just shut up! Nothing like that happened!! Go away stop your questions
Riya:: seriously woman!! I'm never going to help you
Pooja just hugs her cousin and they both have an emotional moment.
After sometime they all came together for the quick photo session before the function started
Pooja is wearing a nice pink dress and Dev wore a dark gray suit with pink shirt and a designer tie.
Dev kept on thinking what special thing he can do to make Pooja feel better and not only that he always wanted to propose to a girl properly for marriage where as here he doesn't even know he is getting married. Not only that he even thought that for sure Pooja must've had many dreams about how her future husband will propose to her?
Before the ring ceremony Dev wanted to say something.
Dev:: hello everyone! Good evening!! Before we exchange the ring I would like to say something. First of all thank you to everyone for coming in such short notice. I guess we Asians are pretty good at arranging weddings unlike people here who plans weddings atleast a year a head. Honestly it took me by surprise with whatever is happening but I'm not complaining I guess this was meant to be this way and Pooja is wonderful and not to forget beautiful too, I'm sure everyone will agree to that
(Everyone clapping and hooting)
But today I'm nervous (everyone awwww) I think it's only natural to be nervous, but I'm more nervous for Pooja because she didn't get a chance to  know me that well and she has to leave everyone and come to a new house a new family and I'm sure it won't be easy for her to adjust right away.
So before I make her wear that ring which I suppose my mom chose for her unlike people here who picks their own ring. I want to say something to Pooja and also ask her something.
(Everyone calms down and quiet)
Because everything is going so fast Pooja never got a chance to know me that well.
Those who are close to me knows that I have a secret box which is very precious to me and ofcourse till now no one was allowed to see the box because I keep my secret things there and the key to that box stays with me all the time. Once I pushed Di so hard that she fell and got a big cut on her forehead because she tried to take the key from me and she had to attend her high school graduation with that big cut on her forehead. So Pooja before you come to my house I want you to be comfortable.
Here in my hand I have three keys one is my house key, one my room key and the key to my secret box.
(Dev goes down on his knee)
Pooja the ring I'm going to make you wear is not something I picked or you picked but today I want you to have my house key that means you are welcome to my house from now on, then my room key which will be your room too, soon and from now on you have the right on everything I have and this key which I've never shared with anyone I want you to have it so that if you ever feel it's getting difficult to understand me then you can open the secret box and find out things about me. Today I'm giving you what I have in return I want to ask
"Ms. Pooja Bhatia would you like to marry me?"
(There's a long silence people are anticipating Pooja's answer, Pooja fanning her face as she had tears rolling down her cheeks and not only her almost everyone got emotional)
Pooja:: Dev before I give my answer to you I just want to say that I would like to know you, understand you but I promise I will never open your secret box till you open it yourself. So today I will take your house key because I'm going to be a part of your family and the room key because that will be my room too and it might need some changes too (she smiles)
And yes Dev Dixit my answer is YES I will marry you!
(Woohoo!!! Everyone clapped and cheered)
It's time to exchange the rings

 So today I will take your house key because I'm going to be a part of your family and the room key because that will be my room too and it might need some changes too (she smiles) And yes Dev Dixit my answer is YES I will marry you!(Woohoo!!! Eve...

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So Dev and Pooja exchange the rings.
DadI:: kiss the girl my boy!!
Mark:: Dadi!! It's an Indian wedding
Dadi:: oh God!! Mark beta You are a white American why can't you behave like one and let the kids enjoy. You are just like my daughter in law so old fashioned.
Then everyone starts enjoying the party and when the clock hit midnight everyone screamed Happy New Year 🎊🎈 and once the new year started they played a beautiful song for the newly engaged couple to have a dance. The couple danced beautifully and they definitely looked like made in heaven. They looked at each other through out the dance without loosing eye contact. Pooja wanted to say so many things to Dev at that mom but she couldn't articulate the right words so all she could say was THANK YOU! In return Dev twirled her and pulled her close to him and kissed her forehead.

Precap:: Few days before the wedding, Dev leaving for conference and the big fat wedding

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