Day Two

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Bright and early back at home, I get up and put on a black sweater dress and a pair of white leggings. Yawning, I head downstairs to the kitchen. My aunt, Jenna, is already up and baking muffins and other goodies for the coffee shop. The smell is mouth watering.

Putting on my apron, I switch on the open sign and unlock the door. Then, routinely, I put the coffee on and straighten the rows of clean mugs and mini-plates. Tucking my purple hair behind my ears, I grab a pitcher and fill it with water for my two potted plants.

Just as I'm finishing the watering, the little bell over the front door jingles as someone enters. I quickly put the pitcher away and return to the counter. "I just put the coffee on. It'll be ready in a couple minutes..."

My voice trails off when my brain registers who exactly is standing on the other side of the counter. It's the SOLDIER guy from last night with the long silver hair. He's dressed in the same clothes; they must be his uniform. 

I wonder why he's here. This shop certainly isn't fancy or high-grade or anything that a SOLDIER of any class would be used to. We mostly just get mid-tier workers coming through.

I notice I rip in his sleeve that wasn't there when I saw him last night. Something dark is crusted around the edges. With a jolt, I realize that it's blood.

"Um, s-sir, you're hurt," I point out nervously. "W-would you like me the first aid kit?"

He gives my a slight nod after a moment, his face blank. 

I hurry into the kitchen. "Aunt Jenna, is the first aid kit still under the sink?"

"Yes," she replies, looking up from her mixing bowl with concern. "Are you hurt, dear?"

"N-no, our customer is."

"Want me to take care of it?"

I shake my head, my hair falling back into my eyes. "I got it, thanks."

Brushing my long bangs away, I grab the medium-sized white box from under the sink and hurry back up front. When I get back, the man has sat down in at one of the tables and removed his coat, exposing his bare torso. Feeling heat rise to my face, I lower my eyes in embarrassment.

First, I take out a the anti-bacterial wipes and clean off all the dried blood from around the large cut. It doesn't look very deep, thankfully. When that's done, I press a low-level healing materia to it. The cut heals up nicely, leaving only a thin pink line in its place.

"Th-there, that should do it. There's s-still a scar, sorry, but at least, won't get infected," I stammer, packing the kit back up.

"Thank you," he says in his emotionless voice.

My cheeks turn pink again. "It was you care for a cup of coffee?"

"Yes. Black."

Just black? Is he trying to seem cool or is that really how he takes his coffee? Probably the latter.

As I pour him a mug full, he puts his jacket back on and moves to sit at one of the tables near the windows, which he stares out. The city outside is just starting to wake up. Any minute now, Greg will come for his morning coffee.

I set the mug of coffee down in front of the SOLDIER guy. "H-here you are, enjoy."

When I return to my post behind the counter, Greg comes running in, right on time. "Sam! Thank goodness you're not hurt! I heard that the ShinRa building was attacked last night!"

"I'm okay. It wasn't that big of a problem," I tell him, already preparing his usual. "Here's your coffee."

He pays me, looking relieved. "Oh, thanks. Again, I'm glad you're okay. I gotta run, bye."

"See you tomorrow, Greg."

I glance at the SOLDIER guy. He's still staring out the window, expressionless. Does he ever show any emotion? Are all SOLDIERs so blank all the time? I guess feelings might get in the way of their combat.


Around noon, the SOLDIER guy is still here. The few other customers we've had have given him wide berths, whispering behind their hands. I guess this is the first time they've seen a SOLDIER in a public place like a coffee house.

Building up confidence, I take the coffee pot and walk over to him, aware of the attention of the two customers sitting a few tables away. "Excuse me, would you like a refill."

He looks away from the window and right into my eyes. I feel a slight shiver run down my spine. It's like those eyes of his can pierce my very soul. It's a little unsettling.

"Yes, thank you," he finally says, continuing to stare at me.

I fill up his empty mug, my cheeks growing warm. Then, I hurry back behind the counter. My aunt takes that precise moment to bring out a tray of fresh chocolate muffins. "Sam, dear, are you feeling alright? You're looking rather pink in the face."

"I'm fine," I reply quickly, blushing even more.

"You sure?"

"Yes, Aunt Jenna."

She puts the muffins in the display case and returns to the kitchen. I sigh and try to calm myself. There's something about that man that makes my heart pound. Maybe it's just the fact that he's SOLDIER and kind of intimidating.

The sound of a phone ringing makes me jump. I look over to see the man pull a phone from hi pocket and answers it. "Who is this?...very well..."

He hangs up and takes a long drink from his coffee. Then, he stands and makes his way up to the counter. I avert my eyes.

"Thank you for the coffee. It was good," he says, placing down the mug and a credit card. I pick the card up and glance at the name: Sephiroth Crescent.

Sephiroth!? The war hero!? Holy shit! This whole time...oh my gosh...I don't believe it!

My hand shakes slightly as I swipe his card over the reader and hand it back. Our fingers touch briefly. My face gets hot again from the second-long contact with the Sephiroth.

Without a word, he leaves. I put a hand on the counter to steady myself as my mind whirls with this realisation. I, Samantha Green, a country girl from Gongaga, touched and talked to the Sephiroth.

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