Day Thirty-Eight

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Sephiroth POV

SOLDIER is a disaster. Without Lazard, the chain of command is skewed. Sure, they put me in charge for now, but there is also the whole problem with a shortage of manpower. We have about five 3rds, three 2nds, and two 1sts-Zack and me.

I run my hands through my long hair, leaning on my desk. Please let things not get any worse. The stress is maddening.

Ring! Ring!

I groan. This better not be somebody telling me things got worse. "Who is this?"

"U-um, s-sorry to b-bother you...this is M-Michelle, Sam's friend...she asked m-me to call you...her aunt g-got in an accident...they s-say she w-won't live m-much longer...Sam needs you," a girl's voice stammers on the other end of the call. "We're a-at the S-Sector 7 Hospital..."

"I'll be there as soon as I can."

I end the call and dial Zack's number. "Zack."


"There's something I need to do. You're in charge until I get back, understood?"




I gently brush hair away from Aunt Jenna's face. My mind is numb. I don't feel anything, not even as a pair of warm arms envelope me and a soft voice whispers,

"This should never have happened..."

Sephiroth, my mind murmurs through the haze. I lean into him, glancing at the limp, unconscious figure on the hospital bed. They said she has as much as hours, maybe even minutes, left. The damage done to her brain and spine were too severe, and she wasn't responding to treatment, even materia.

"I came as quick as I could," my tall boyfriend asks. "How are you doing?"

"Sephiroth...stay with me...please..."


He sits down in one of the chairs, and I curl up on his lap. My mind is still mired in a haze of shock and denial. This can't be real...

"Where...will you go?" he asks.

Where will I go? I can't stay at the shop. Maybe I can stay with Nikki or least until...until I can get my own place...

"You could...stay with me."

"Really? Me? Stay with you?"

"Yeah...if you want..."


Two hours later, I hear the dreaded beeping as Aunt Jenna's pulse stops. My throat constricts painfully. I barely notice Sephiroth carrying me out of the room as my chest tightens and hot tears pool up in my eyes. I bury my face in his chest and let them fall.

He holds me close, stroking my hair comfortingly, as I sob uncontrollably in his arms. Aunt Jenna...why? Why did this have to happen!? Why her!?

"She...she was...was all I had left..." I gasp between sobs. "Why? Why did...did this...have to happen?"

My parents first, and now Aunt Jenna is gone. "I'm...all alone..."

"You're never alone, Sam. I'll always be with you, no matter what."

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