Day Fifty

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It's been a week, and I still haven't heard anything from Sephiroth. This horrible feeling of dread just continues to grow and grow. I can't sleep at night from worry.

A knock on the door startles me out of my thoughts. I've hardly been in contact with anyone since Sephiroth left. I just don't feel comfortable with leaving this apartment on my own. Who would be coming to visit me?

A tall man with longish black hair held back in a ponytail is standing in the hallway. "Sorry to bother you, Ms. Green, but I'm afraid I have some bad news."

The dread intensifies even more. That's exactly what the Security Officer said when Aunt Jenna got in that accident. "Wh-what is it?"

"May I come in? This might be a little easier for you if you were sitting down."

"R-right...come in," I stammer, already trembling. I take a seat at the table, and he takes the other.

"Unfortunately, I have come to inform you that SOLDIER 1st Class Sephiroth Crescent was killed while on a mission in Nibelheim. The cause of his death is classified."

I feel as if all the life has drained out of me. "He's...dead."

"I'm very sorry for your loss."

How? What or who could possibly be strong enough to kill Sephiroth? He's the most powerful SOLDIER there him?

Then, the tears come. Like a waterfall, they pour down my cheeks. I put my head in my hands as my whole body begins to shake with sobs. I don't even notice as the man leaves.

I can't take this anymore. I'm all alone now. Where will I go? What will happen to me? What's the point of living anymore? I've got no one left to turn to...

Somehow, I manage to make it to our bed. There, I curl up and cry myself to sleep.


A few hours later, I wake up with a jerk for no apparent reason. It's dark out, and only a slim line of pale moonlight lights the room through the closed curtains. I reach out my hand to shake Sephiroth awake before I remember that he's gone. Gone forever. I'm alone.

Or am I?

A noise from the kitchen/dining area draws my attention. Cautiously, I slide from the bed and step out of the bedroom. "Hello? Is someone-mmf!"

A hand is clapped over my mouth, and an unfamiliar voice whispers, "shh, little sister. There's no need to freak out."

Little sister? What the hell is going on? Who is this guy?

I feel a sharp pinch in my left arm like a shot. What is he injecting into me? My answer comes when I start to get drowsy. My vision fades, and I slump to the ground unconscious.

That's the end of Book One! I'll start Book Two next week! I hope you've enjoyed my story so far!

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