Day Four

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Finally, Saturday has arrived. I get off at noon today, thank heavens. I need a good half-day to recover from all the excitement that has happened this week with the whole attack on ShinRa and meeting Sephiroth. Speaking of Sephiroth, here he comes now!

Today, and rather unusually, he's actually wearing casual clothes: a simple black turtleneck and dark jeans. I'm so not used to seeing him in anything other than his uniform that it takes my brain a while to process what I'm seeing. Is this real or am I still asleep?

"Um, g-good morning. W-would you like your u-usual?" I ask nervously. I wish I wasn't so flustered around him.

"Yes," he responds in his usual manner-at least something is normal about him today. For some reason, he continues to stand there on the other side of the counter instead of heading over to his usual spot by the window.

" th-there something e-else I can help y-you with?" I finally muster the courage to ask.


"W-what can I d-do for you?"

"Would you care to join me for dinner tonight at the Seventh Comet Diner?" Sephiroth asks slowly, as if unsure of his words.

Holy...Oh.My.Gosh...Did he just...No way...This is totally a dream. There is no frickin' way this is actually happening...

"Are you...Did you just...ask me out?" I question, wanting it to be real but not believing it could be real.


Wow...okay...this'll take a moment for me to wrap my head around...I just got asked out by Sephiroth. Like THE Sephiroth. The Hero of the war with Wutai. The SOLDIER who took down armies at the age of twelve. He asked me to have dinner with him at the Seventh Comet, the fanciest, most expensive restaurant in Sector 7. What do I do? I can't refuse him. I don't want to, either.

"I...Yes, I would like t-to join y-you for dinner...w-what time?" I finally reply, blushing furiously.


" you then..."


Sephiroth POV

I pace in front of the front doors of the Seventh Comet, dressed in a crisp neat suit because the restaurant has a formal dress code and stiff with anticipation. Will she actually come? Was this a good idea? If this doesn't go well, I'm going to kill Zack...

At 17:57, a small car pulls up in front of the restaurant. An older, middle-aged woman gets out of the driver's side. She looks so much like the girl that I swear they must be related-the only major difference being that her hair is black not purple. She walks boldly up to me.

"Are you Sephiroth Crescent?" she asks, looking me up and down.

"Yes," I reply.

"Why are you interested in my niece? What do you like about her?"

Niece? This is her aunt? Where are her parents? "She's unlike any other girl I've ever met. She's kind and beautiful...I don't have the right words to describe her or the feeling I get when I'm around her."

The woman, her aunt, smiles and nods, seemingly satisfied with my answer. "You seem like a good young man. You have my permission to date my niece, Samantha."

Samantha. What a nice name. It fits her perfectly.

The woman walks up to the passenger door and opens it. My breath catches in my throat. She's the very embodiment of perfection and beauty.

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