Day Five

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I can't believe I kissed Sephiroth last night! Sure, it was just on the jaw, but it was still a kiss! What was I thinking!?

Today is Sunday, so I have all day to stay in bed and panic about what I did and how he reacted and how I'll face him tomorrow. 

Aunt Jenna peeks into my room. "Hey, dear, sorry I wasn't up when you got home. How was the date last night?"

"It was a joint date, actually. And guess what?"

"What, dear?"

"Do you remember the little boy I used to play with back in Gongaga?"

She nods. "The Fair's boy?"

"Yeah. Zack. He and his girlfriend, Aerith, were the other couple. He's a SOLDIER 1st Class now, like Sephiroth. Cool, huh?"

"That's nice..." she says, stepping fully into my room. "So, did anything happen?"

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"You know, did anything happen between you and your man?" she asks, winking.

I make a face. "He's not my man, Aunt Jenna. And...well..."

I roll over so she can't see the blush on my face. "I...kissed him..."


"It was just on the cheek...I was so embarrassed afterwards that I ran inside...what if he doesn't like being kissed?"

She sits down on the edge of my bed. "Oh please, what guy would not enjoy being kissed by the cutest girl on the planet?"

"I don't know. He's SOLDIER. He might be different."

She pats my arm reassuringly. "Calm down, I'm sure he's probably lying in his bed right now wishing he could've kissed you back."


Sephiroth POV

"Zack, can I talk to you?"

"What in the world-Sephiroth!? It's 7:00!" the raven-haired boy cries, pulling his covers over his head. After a few minutes, he pulls them back down. "Why the hell are you in my room?"

"I need to talk to you."

He groans and sits up, hair even spikier than usual. "Fine, what is it?"

"Something happened last night when I dropped Samantha off..."

He instantly perks up. "Oh? What happened?"

"She kissed me."

He grins. "Wow! Nice going! Aerith and I haven't even kissed yet!"

I give him a 'I'm-trying-to-be-serious-here' look. "It was only on the cheek. Right here."

I gently touch the spot right above my jawline. Even on tippy-toes, she couldn't reach much higher. She's so small. The perfect little angel.

"Oh, not like an actual 'on-the-lips' kiss?" Zack asks, less perky.


He shrugs. "Still, that's progress. You definitely know that she likes you back now."


He lays back on his pillow. "Also, now that you've gotten this far, maybe you should get her flowers or a necklace or something small that you'd think she'd like."

"Thank you, Zack."

"No problem. Now can you get out of my room, so I can go back to sleep?"

"I wouldn't if I were you. You're scheduled to train the 3rds in five minutes," I say, heading to the door.

"Are you kidding me!?"



I decide to visit Aerith. It's the perfect day for it, too. The sun is shining bright and warm; the temperature is perfect. I put on a white t-shirt and a pair of jean shorts before heading out.

The train ride is a short one. I get off down at the Sector 5 Slums. Fortunately, I remember the directions Aerith gave me last night.


Reno POV

"Well, this makes things easy for today. Both subjects are in the same place."

My partner, Rude, and I sit, hidden, and watch two girls tend to the millions of flowers around a largish house. One of them has long coppery brown hair held back in a ponytail with a pink ribbon. The other has shorter dark purple hair and bronze skin.

Rude adjusts his sunglasses but doesn't reply. He doesn't talk nearly as much as I do. Still, we get along fine.

"This is kind of boring. How'd we end up with stalker-duty?"

"We aren't stalking. We are-"

"I know, I know, but honestly, we're still technically stalking them."


I return my attention to the girls. "You know, the purple-haired girl is pretty cute."

"You heard Tseng. We aren't allowed to approach that one. Apparently, she's with Sephiroth."

"Wait, you're telling me that guy can actually fall in love?"


I lean back, mind blown. "Woah...I didn't think he could feel any emotions at all."

"I overheard Hojo saying that he can't wait to see what their offspring will be like," Rude says, making a face.

"Ugh, that guy is messed up."

He nods, then looks to the girls. "Hold on, where'd Aerith go?"

Suddenly, a shadow falls over us. We look up to see Aerith standing behind us, smiling. "You know, usually spies are a lot more quiet when they are spying," she says sweetly. Then, she frowns. "Can't I even get ten minutes with my new best friend without you two watching? It's annoying enough that you watch me everywhere else."

The girl with purple hair joins her. "Who are these guys?"

"Just a couple of stalkers," Aerith replies, huffing.

I give Rude a look. "See! Even she says we're stalking!"

Rude ignores me and stands up. "Ten minutes is too long. Anything could happen to you in ten minutes, Aerith."

I stand up, too. "And we don't watch you everywhere. Only when you are outside your house."

The other girl gives Aerith a questioning look. "Why are they watching you?"

"Aerith is an Ancient. The very last," Rude tells her. "But today, we aren't watching just her. We're watching you as well."

She looks startled. "Why are you watching me? Who are you?"

"I'm Reno, and this is my partner, Rude. We're Turks," I reply proudly.

"You're dating Sephiroth, are you not? Did you really think it would go unnoticed by ShinRa?" Rude inquires.

She pales. "So...they're having me watched?"


Aerith hugs her. "Don't worry, it's not that bad. These two are pretty annoying, but they're okay. Cissnei is really nice, too. I'm not so sure about Tseng, though."

I laugh at that last remark. "None of us really know about Tseng. He's like a robot all the time."

"Well...I guess it'll be okay..." the girl whispers. "Not like I can do anything to stop you from doing your job, right?"


"Okay...then, I guess it's nice to meet you, Reno, Rude. I'm Samantha."

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