Day Ten

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Sephiroth didn't come at all today. I hope he's okay. He's probably just busy with work stuff or something. Still, I can't help but worry about him.

My aunt is out with some of her friends, so I'm home alone. Dressed in my pj's, I curl up on the couch and flick through the TV channels boredly. Nothing catches my interest.

Suddenly, the door bell rings on the back door of the apartment. Yawning, I shuffle over to it and open it. Who would be calling at 20:32?

Sephiroth is standing there in full uniform. I blush as his eyes find my zebra-stripe pajamas and panda slippers. I wish I hadn't changed after closing shop earlier.

" this a bad time?" he asks. Did he just stammer?

"N-no, no, it's fine. Come on in," I reply quickly, letting him inside. "Make yourself at home, I'll be right back."

I hurriedly change into something more suitable-a loose black sweater and grey sweatpants-before returning. I find him seated on the couch, staring at the coffee table with dazed eyes. Did seeing me in my pj's shock him that much? Or did something else happen?

"Would you like something to drink?" I ask. When he shakes his head, I tentatively sit down next to him. "Is something wrong?"

For a moment, no words leave his mouth. Then, he says, "I...I just found out...that my friend, Angeal..."

By his shaky tone and trembling breaths, I can guess what happened. I wrap my arms around him and pull him close to me comfortingly. "I'm so sorry."

"At least...he died in honorable death...just like he wanted..."

"He was a SOLDIER, too?"

"Yes...and a very good one, too...he always lectured us about protecting our honor and...embracing our dreams."

"He sounds like a very wise man," I whisper, running my fingers through his silky silver hair.

"I used to think it was annoying..." he says. "He and Genesis...they were my only friends...back when we were first being trained...we were all so alike...we were all experiments..."


"We aren't...aren't normal SOLDIERs...I'm not sure if we're even human..."

What is he talking about? "So what if you are human or not. It doesn't change the fact that you're a hero. You're my hero. And I love you."

" dead, too..."

"Oh," is all I can say.

For a long time, we sit there, his head in my lap. I continue to stroke his soft hair tenderly. What am I supposed to say?

Then, he reaches up and grabs my hand, pressing it to his lips. "It's late. I need to check on Zack. Angeal was his mentor..."

"Do you want me to come with you?"

He sits up and brushes a hair from my face. "No. Thank you, though. Aerith is probably already with him. I'm just going to see if he needs anything."

"Okay," I reply, reluctant to see him go.

"Thank you...for comforting me..."

Those Eyes Book One-CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now