Day Six

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Nerves making me shaky, I open up shop for the day. I wonder if Sephiroth will come. Will he say anything about Saturday night if he does?

The bell over the door jingles, and I freeze. My heart beat quickens. Is it him? I'm scared to look.


It's him! And the way he said my's the first time I've actually heard him say my name...

"I've...I've g-got your coffee r-ready," I stammer fearfully, keeping my eyes lowered as I turn around. My hands shake as I hold out the mug to him, spilling the hot liquid all over them. "Ow! S-sorry!"

Suddenly, he places his own hands over mine to steady them. Surprised, I look up to meet those beautiful eyes of his which are full of concern. Concern...I can read him...he's worried...about me...

"Are you alright?" he asks, worry seeping into his normally emotionless voice.

I take a few deep breaths. "I'm okay..."

Still a little shaky, I set the mug down and refill it before cleaning up the spilled droplets with a rag. So far, so good, I guess.

Sephiroth sets a black box on the counter before me. "I got this for you."

Lifting the lid, I find a long silver chain with a silver moon pendant inlaid with tiny genuine diamonds. It's honestly one of the most beautiful pieces of jewelry I've ever seen-not that I've seen many to compare it to. Did he really buy this for me? It must have cost so much...

"I-I..." I begin, but I can't find the words to say. Again, I take a deep breath and smile up at him. "Will you help me put it on? My hands are still a little shaky..."

He nods. I walk around to his side of the counter and lift my hair out of the way. His soft fingers brush my skin as he brings the chain around my slim neck. It takes him a while before he finally manages to clasp it.

"It's beautiful...thank you," I murmur, fingering it.

"Not nearly as beautiful as you," he whispers.

I turn to look at him, blushing. "You're pretty good-looking yourself-"

To my utter surprise, he leans down and presses his lips to my forehead. When he straightens back up, a small smile is tugging at the corners of his lips. "That was in return to the one you gave me on Saturday."

My entire face heats up, and I turn away in a hurry. "Go drink your coffee before it gets cold!"

"Yes, ma'am."

I give him a sharp look. "It's Sam not ma'am. I'm not old enough to be called ma'am yet. Especially by you, Mr. Crescent."

"Very well, Sam," he replies, taking his coffee over to his seat by the window, but instead of staring out the window, his eyes are on me.

At his usual time, Greg comes running in. "Sam! Where were you yesterday? I came by but your aunt said you weren't home!"

"Here's your coffee, Greg," I say calmly, handing him the warm cup. "I just went to visit a friend of mine down in the Sector 5 Slums."

"The Slums!? Don't you know how dangerous the slums are!? What if something had happened to you!?"

"Calm down, I was fine. Plus, I have some new 'Guardian Angels' watching over me."

"What do you mean?"

"It's nothing you need to worry about," I reply hastily. "Anyways, you need to get going, or you'll  be late for work. Again."

Those Eyes Book One-CompleteWhere stories live. Discover now