Day Forty-Three

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The smell of chocolate muffins wafts around the entire apartment. I open the oven door and carefully pull out the piping hot pan. Man, they smell heavenly.

Just then, the front door opens, and Sephiroth enters. I remove my oven mitts and hug him. "Welcome home. You're just in time-what's wrong?"

His expression is grim as he stares dead ahead. "They're sending me on a Nibelheim."

"Nibelheim? That's so far away..."

"The mission could take weeks...will you be okay on your own til I come back?"

I bite my lip and nod. "Just...just promise that you will come back."

He wraps his arms around me. "I'll always come back. I promise."

We stay like this for what feels like only a few seconds before he pulls away. "I have to go. I sent Zack on ahead to gather the rest of our men."

"Wait! Take these with you!" I say, putting all of the muffins in a container and handing it to him. "For you and Zack and your men."

"Um, right," he replies, kissing my forehead. "I'll be back before you know it, my angel."

I watch him leave with a sense of dread. Why do I have the feeling this is the last time I'll ever see him?

Short chapter. I've decided to post twice today to make up for it.

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