Day Twelve

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Sephiroth POV

There's a knock on my door. When I answer it, I find a very unhappy-looking Zack on the other side. He's been pretty miserable ever since Angeal died. He still won't tell anyone what happened, and he's been carrying Angeal's Buster Sword everywhere like a toddler with a teddy bear.


"I was told to inform you that we are being given a month of vacation at Costa del Sol," he says glumly. Honestly, I kind of miss his old hyperactive self. This new depressed Zack is, well, depressing.

"A month? How generous," I say sarcastically. Zack deserves at least three months after what he's been through this past year.

"We're allowed to bring a friend, and we leave tomorrow morning at 9:30," he adds before leaving.

A friend? My mind instantly thinks of Sam. Would she like to go with us?



I look up when the bells jingles. "Hi, Sephiroth. Back already?"

He leans on the counter with a small smile on his face. "I just received a month-long vacation to Costa del Sol starting tomorrow. I'm allowed to 'bring a friend'."

"A whole month? Isn't that a little much?" I ask in reply.

"I think it's mostly for Zack. He still hasn't recovered..."

I sigh sadly. "I don't know if Aunt Jenna will let me-"

"I'm totally fine with it!" a voice calls from the kitchen, cutting me off. "I can manage the shop on my own for a month!"

I smile. "Well, there's our answer."

"I'll come pick you up tomorrow at 9, then."

"Okay, see you then," I respond. We do our kiss exchange before he leaves.

Aunt Jenna pokes her head out of the kitchen. "A whole month at the beach with your boyfriend, hmm?"

My face gets warm. "Aunt Jenna! Zack will be there, too! And he'll probably invite Aerith along, too!"

"Still, magical things happen on beaches, dear."

"Maybe for you, but this is for Zack to help him through his grief. Nothing like that is going to happen."

"That's what they all say."

Sorry for the short chapter. The next few will definitely make up for it.

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