Day Thirty-Nine

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Sephiroth POV

I gaze at Sam's face inches from my own. She's finally stopped crying, but her eyes are still red and puffy. Thankfully, she fell asleep easily. She'll feel better when she wakes up. Until then, I'll stay here, holding her.

My phone rings, but I ignore it. Sam is a thousand million times more important than work, then anything or anyone, even myself. Right now, she needs me more.

I wake with a start a couple hours later. I must've dozed off. What's that amazing smell? Where's Sam?

I hop out of bed and hurry into my tiny kitchenette. "Sam?"

She's up and cooking something that smells wonderful. I hug her from behind. "How are you feeling?"

"A little better...I helps me relax..." she replies in a voice hoarse from all her sobbing last night and yesterday afternoon. "Thanks for letting me stay with you..."

"No problem at all. There's nothing I wouldn't do for you."

She smiles a small sad smile. "You're sweet."

"What are you making? It smells delicious."

"It's my mother's homemade ramen recipe. It's the best in the world. You had all the ingredients, so I thought I'd make some for us..."

"Can't wait to try some," I say, kissing her forehead.

"Won't be long now. Why don't you get the table ready?" she replies, kissing my jaw.

"Of course, my angel."

I pull out two bowls, two cups, and two sets of chopsticks. I've only had ramen twice and both times it was the add-water-and-heat-in-microwave kind. I'm not really much of a cook even though ShinRa keeps me well stocked in all kinds of ingredients I never use.

"There!" Sam declares, setting the pot down in the center of the table. It looks and smells simply mouth-watering. "My mom used to make this all the time whenever my dad or I had a bad day. 'It's comfort food', she'd say."

I serve it up between us before trying it. I didn't realize how hungry I was until now. Guess I was too busy worrying about Sam and work. I hope things calm down now.

"How is it?" she asks tentatively.

"Amazing. I've never tasted anything better. I could live off it for years."

She blushes. "You don't have to layer on the flattery so much just to make me feel better..."

"I'm serious. It's delicious, Sam."

"'s not nearly as good as my mom's, though..."

"It's good enough for me."



After cleaning up the dishes with Sephiroth's help, I crawl back into his bed, tired. Soon, he joins me, and I curl up into his warm body. I want to stay just like this for all eternity.

Suddenly, his phone rings, and he moves to pick it up. Sitting up, he answers it. "Who is this?...what do you want?...yes, I, I don't...I have more important things to worry about at the moment...very well."

He hangs up and sighs. "Sorry, but something urgent has just come up, and they are ordering me back."

"Okay," I murmur. "I hope everything turns out okay, so you can come back soon."

He kisses my forehead. "Thanks. You'll be fine by yourself until I'm back, right?"


"Okay. I'll be back soon."

Then, he leaves, and I'm left alone, curled up on his bed. For a while, I just lay there until I finally drift off into a dreamless sleep.

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