Day Thirty-Six

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Sephiroth POV

Seven days left of our vacation. Time seemed to pass by in a blur of laughter and smiles. Zack has cheered up a little bit and is much closer to his normal self than before. He's still a little moody from time to time, though.

Zack is down at the beach with Aerith while Sam and I are inside enjoying the air conditioning and watching TV. This is pretty much how every day has been like. Sometimes, Zack and I will train together to keep in shape.

There's a knock on the door. I slip out from under Sam who had fallen asleep on me and answer it. None other than Reno and Rude are standing on the doorstep.

"What do you want?" I ask grumpily. I'm not a big fan of the Turks.

"Unfortunately, you're vacay is being cut. Lazard has gone missing, and as highest ranking SOLDIER, you must fill his shoes until we can find a suitable replacement, yada, yada, yada," Reno replies boredly. "Also, Junon is being atacked. Tseng, Cissnei, and Zack are heading there now. Rude and I will fly you and your girls back to Midgar before joining them."



"I'm home!" I call as I enter my aunt's apartment.

She comes running out of the kitchen to greet me. "Welcome home, dear! Hang on...weren't you supposed to be there for a month? You should have about seven days left. Did something happen?"

"I'm not entirely sure. Something came up at ShinRa, I suppose, so our vacation was cut short," I respond, sighing.

"That's too bad..." she says, sighing, too. Then she leans in close, grinning expectantly. "So? Did anything magical happen?"

"Nope. Except for the fact that Zack cheered up a bit. He snores so loudly Sephiroth and I both had trouble sleeping the first couple nights. I don't know how Aerith can-"

"Wait! You and your boyfriend slept together? You said nothing magical happened!"

I groan. "I never said that..."

"You're blushing."

"Nothing happened. We just slept in the same bed, okay?" I say, turning away.

"Okay, if you say so."

Huffing, I grab my suitcase and stomp to my room. Why is she so insistent on me doing 'something magical'? I'm not ready for that! Sephiroth and I haven't even been dating for that long! We haven't even actually kissed yet!

I stop short in the middle of my bedroom. Why haven't I kissed him for real yet? Zack and Aerith kiss each other all the time, and they haven't been dating for much longer than we have. Am I scared? Scared that a single kiss might develop into something bigger?

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