Lloyd x Reader (Part 3)

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Somebody asked me to continue this, and I have a hard time saying no, so here we are. It took way too long to finish, but here's the third and final part. 


Lloyd's POV

I follow the signal from y/n's chip. I'm still concerned about her sister, though; if y/n has her chip, how am I supposed to find Harumi?

"Lloyd, do you read me?" Nya asks through the communicator.

"Loud and clear. Did you get everyone somewhere safe?"

"Yep. Where are you?"

"I'm on *insert random street name*. I'm tracking down the princesses."

"We're right behind you. Over and out."

As soon as Nya hangs up, the signal starts beeping. If it's working, then y/n should be right in front of me.

"Where is she?" I mutter, letting my hand fall. "She should be right here."

The beeping gets louder.

I look down at the pavement. "Unless she's underground..."

————-y/n's POV————

I'm lying on the floor of the cell, trying to think of a way I can get out of here. There aren't any guards down here, so I don't know where to find the key. I tried to take the bars out by force earlier, but that didn't work out so well.

"Y/n?" A voice asks. Much to my surprise, I sit up to see Lloyd standing at the door to the cell.

"What are you doing here?!" I demand. "I told you not to come!"

"Yeah, well," he mutters, rolling his eyes. "Stand back."

He conjures up a sphere of energy and uses it to demolish the metal bars holding me captive.

"How did you do that?"

He shrugs. "Perks of being a ninja; elemental powers."

We hurry through the halls, which aren't empty like I thought. Lloyd takes care of any gang members that come our way, using either his powers or spinjitsu.

"Where's your sister?" He asks once the corridor is clear.

"Probably upstairs plotting to kill some innocent people," I grumble.

"Wait, what?"

I sigh. "She's not as nice as she seems, unfortunately."

"Whoa, whoa, whoa—so when she told me she was giving food to the less fortunate, that was all an act?"

"Um, well..."

He stops running, looks at me, and realization washes over him. "It was you..." he whispers. 

"Unfortunately, yes," I sigh. 

"What do you mean 'unfortunately'?"

"I'm not as important as Harumi," I say simply, starting to run again. "Although, she's pretty manipulative, so it's probably for the better that you didn't end up with her."

"What makes you think I'd end up with Harumi? It's the person I met on the rooftop that I like, and that's not her."

I feel myself blushing. Nobody's ever said they like me before. Come to think of it, I don't think anyone's ever been nice to me before. 

"Come on, we need to get out of here," Lloyd says, and fires a shot of his element at the ceiling. It blows up, leaving an opening for us to escape.

Lloyd extends his wrist to the sky, and a rope shoots out of a contraption on his wrist (I can't help but think of Spider-Man). He then wraps an arm around my waist, holds me close to him, and pulls us out of the hallway.

"Nya, come in!" he says, holding a hand to the side of his head. He must be communicating with a teammate.

"I see you," someone answers. "I'm coming with the bounty."

(A/n: I don't know if they have the bounty during season 8 but just go with it)

A flying pirate ship appears above us, and a rope ladder is lowered so we can climb up. Lloyd insists I go first, so I do, but he starts climbing soon after.

I fall onto the floor of the ship. My body doesn't want to move; I guess I'm still in shock from everything that just occurred.

"Are you okay?" Lloyd asks.

"Yeah," I mumble. "I guess so."

He helps me up, and pulls me into a hug. I'm a little surprised at first—why is he doing this?—but then I hug him back.

"What was that for?" I ask as I push away.

"You just looked like you needed a hug."

I smile shyly. Why is he being so nice?

"So... considering your home has kind of been destroyed, do you want to stay here for a bit?" he asks.

He's staring at me with the most beautiful eyes I've ever seen. I don't know what it is, but there's something about his expression that makes me feel safe.

"I... I don't want to intrude. I'd probably only get in your way if I stayed here."

"Not if you train with us," Lloyd protests. "If you learn how to be a ninja, then you'll be a huge help."

"You really think that I can be a ninja?"

He shakes his head. "I know you can."

I look around at the rest of the team, silently asking if this is alright with them. They all smile at me.

"Okay," I finally agree, looking back at Lloyd. "I guess I'll stay."

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