Ninjago and Harry Potter - Part 2

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————-Kai's POV————

"What do we do?!" I exclaim. "Where did they go?!"

"I'm not sure," Sensei says. "If they didn't know it was traveller's tea, they could be anywhere."

"Are they all in the same place? Or did they get split up?"

"If they all drank tea brewed in the same pot, they'll be sent to the same realm. Now we just have to figure out which one."

"Uh... why don't we just drink the tea ourselves?"

Sensei looks at the pot of tea, then back at me.

"That's actually not a bad idea."

He then grabs the half-full bag of traveller's tea, and pours two cups of the already-brewed liquid. He hands one cup to me, and takes the other for himself. We clink the china together, then take a sip.

A few moments later, we're somewhere new. I look around at the tall stone walls, and the wide corridors. There are teens rushing through the halls, all dressed in similar attire.

"Are they wearing... uniforms?" I ask Sensei.

"It would appear we're in a school," he replies. He chuckles. "They all look so funny, waddling around in those silly little capes."

I swat him. "They can hear you, ya know."

"Who cares! I've got a long white beard; I can do what I want!"

I don't argue with that. I follow Sensei through the halls as we look for the rest of the team, trying not to look suspicious. It's kind of hard though, considering Sensei is frolicking around like he doesn't have a care in the world.

"Sensei! Stop it!" I whisper shout. "People are staring at us."

"No, they're staring at you. You're wearing bright red pajamas."

"It's a gi! Which you picked out for me!"

"Uh... I don't think so. I have great taste in clothes, and those look terrible on you."

"Well, thanks," I say sarcastically. "But seriously, Sensei, just try to blend in."

——————-Harry's POV—————

"What's up with you, Hermione?" I ask. "You've been acting weird since potions."

"I just can't get it out of my head..." she mutters.

"Get what out of your head?" Ron asks.

She sighs. "Snape was acting really odd when I mentioned the realm of Ninjago. His expression suggested that he knew more about it than the average wizard."

"Has he ever been there?" I ask.

"He wouldn't tell me."

"Huh. That's weird," Ron says lightly, brushing it off.

"And look," Hermione continues, showing us a page in the book. "This guy, Clouse, looks so much like him."

"You're right, they do look similar," I agree. "They could be brothers!"

Hermione's eyes widen. "Merlin's beard, what if they are? It would explain why Snape's been acting so strange."

"Potter and Granger! Please pay attention," McGonagall chirps. "You may continue your conversation after class."

"Professor?" a student asks.

"Yes, Mr. Finnegan?"

"There's a bunch of people wearing pyjamas staring at us."

Sure enough, a group of kids are leaning against the glass window on the door. With a wave of McGonagall's wand, the door opens and five people tumble into the classroom. All of them are wearing different coloured jumpsuits.

"Who are you?" McGonagall asks. "Where are you supposed to be right now?"

"At the moment, we should be back on the bounty eating dinner," the one wearing blue says. "But... I don't really know what happened."

"You drank traveller's tea, that's what happened," somebody says. A boy in a red jumpsuit appears in the doorway, an old man standing beside him. "Come on, we should get going."

"What is the meaning of this?" Snape asks as he appears in the doorway. "It's difficult to teach a class when all I hear is this racket."

The old man with the long beard turns around to face the professor, and they both gasp.



"Wait, you two know each other?" The boy in black asks.

"Uh, well, ninja, this is Severus... Clouse's twin brother," the old man explains.

"Clouse has a brother?!" the boys exclaim.

"Huh, I could have sworn his voice was familiar," the girl in the kimono says.

"Don't worry, Severus isn't as bad as his brother," the old man says. "He's completely harmle—"

"I want you all out of Hogwarts this instant!" Snape orders.

"Well, for the most part, at least..." the bearded man finishes.

"As I remember it, Severus, you do not have the authority to banish people from the grounds," McGonagall says. "That's up for Professor Dumbledore to decide."

———————-Lloyd's POV————

One of the students—Hermione, I think her name is—volunteers to escort us to the headmaster's office. She leads us down the castle halls, but looking back at us every once in a while.

"Why do you keep staring at us?" I ask.

"Uh, no reason," she replies, but her tone implies otherwise.

"Oh, come on. I can tell you're lying. Spill."

She sighs, stops walking, and turns around.

"Are you guys from Ninjago?" She asks. Her expression suggests the question had been eating her up inside.

"Yep," Jay informs her. "Why?"

Hermione's jaw drops. "Really?!"

"Uh, yeah."

"Wow... it's just that, I didn't expect that realm to actually be real."

"Welp, it is," Cole says. "How'd you guess where we're from?"

"I recognized your picture from a book. You're the ninja who saved the land, aren't you?"

"That's us!" Kai says. "We've save Ninjago many times."

"That's so cool! I wish I could go to Ninjago. Just for a day, to learn all about it."

I glance over at Sensei, wondering if he's thinking the same thing.

"Well, Miss Hermione," Sensei starts. "If you have a passion for knowledge, perhaps you can come to Ninjago with us, and return back here before the sun goes down."

Her eyes go as round as saucers. "Could you really take me?"

"Of course," Zane says. "We'd be glad to."

Hermione smiles at us excitedly.

"Hey, uh... is there any chance I can bring a couple of my friends?"


This story doesn't feel finished quite yet. I guess I have to make a part three now...

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