Ninjago and Harry Potter Crossover

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By suggestion of lisalisa973

Hope you like it :)

Oh, and one more thing: this takes place during fourth year at Hogwarts.

--------Hermione's POV--------

It's the middle of potions class, and I'm already done our assignment. We were supposed to make a simple sleeping draught, but I finished it before the period ended, so I'm just sitting at my station reading a book.

"Hermione, is it supposed to turn green after step seven?" Ron asks, staring at his potion with concern.

"No, it should be dark blue," I say, looking at the brew in his cauldron. It's the colour of grass. "How did you manage to screw up that badly?"

"Honestly, I have no idea."

I sigh, then hand him a vial of crushed leaves. "Add these," I tell him, then I go back to my book.

"Thanks. Whatcha reading?"

"Ancient Realms and Civilisations. It's really fascinating."

"Uh... what's a realm?"

"Oh, never mind," I sigh. Leave it to Ron to be totally clueless.

I let Ron figure out his potion on his own (if he doesn't do it himself, how is he going to learn?), and continue reading for the rest of class. Just before the bell rings, I finish the chapter about a world named Ninjago.

"What's this, Granger?" somebody asks, taking the book right out of my hands. "You learning about tornadoes?"

"Give it back, Malfoy," Harry orders. Of course, he doesn't listen.

"It's not a tornado," I say, refering to the drawing in the book that Malfoy's looking at. "It's called spinjitsu."

"What the bloody hell is spinjitsu?"

"It's when an elemental master can transform themself into... just forget it. I don't expect you to understand."

I take the book back, gather up my things, and head for the door. Ron and Harry follow me out, and I can tell they're trying their hardest not to turn around and punch Malfoy in the nose. Before I can make it out of the classroom, however, Snape stops me.

"Miss Granger, may I speak to you for a moment?" he asks in that obnoxiously condescending voice of his.

"Of course, Professor," I reply, then motion for Harry and Ron to go to our next class without me. "What do you need?"

"I heard you speaking about a particular type of martial arts," he says rather quietly as if he doesn't want anyone else to hear him.

"Spinjitsu?" I clarify.

"I suggest you keep your voice down, you ignorant fool," he warns. Did he seriously just call me a fool? "Where did you learn about Ninjago?"

"From a book," I say, holding it up. "Why?"

He snatches it from my hand. "Where did you get this?"

"The library."

"And what is your interest in this, might I ask?"

"I don't know, I just thought it looked intriguing."

Snape starts flipping through the book, mumbling to himself.

"Uh, Professor?"


"Do you know anything about Ninjago?"

He scoffs, but doesn't reply. There's something about his body language that suggests he's really uncomfortable.

"Have you been there?"

He still doesn't respond, he just shoves the book back into my arms without closing it.

"Go run along to your next class," he orders.

I press the book to my chest, a little scared of him right now. I don't ask any more questions, and get out of there as quickly as possible. As soon as I'm in the hallway, I look down at the page he left on, and notice a particular drawing that looks... familiar.

I stare at the face of the person in the sketch, and gasp. He looks like Snape!

"No, it can't be!" I mutter. "That's not possible..."

I check the caption below the sketch.

Clouse, Sorcerer of Dark Magic

"Huh, I guess it's not him. It must be just a crazy coincidence, then..."

—————Kai's POV————-

I'm in the training room, practicing combat with Cole.

"Is that all you got?" he taunts.

"Ha, you wish!"

He fight for a little longer, but then Zane calls us for dinner. Without a moment to lose, we race to the dining room. The food smells delicious, and once I taste the homemade pizza, I realize it tastes even better.

"Wow, this is amazing, Zane," Nya says. "Thanks for making it!"

"My pleasure! Glad you like it," he replies. "Oh, I almost forgot! Sensei said he was bringing home some tea to celebrate the defeat of Chen and the Anacondrai—this must be it."

Zane starts brewing a pot of tea using the leaves from a package left on the countertop. While he does that, I start thinking about the tournament of elements, which we had just returned from a few days ago.

I pushed away all the bad memories—thoughts of snakes, getting influenced by the staff of elements, that annoying sorcerer Clouse and that obnoxiously condescending voice of his...

"Hey, Kai, you okay?" Lloyd asks.

"Huh? Oh, yeah. Fine."

Suddenly, there's a thumping noise coming from above deck.

"What was that?" Jay asks.

"I'll go look," I say, standing up.

I rush to go see what's the matter. I step out into the open air and see Sensei hopping off of his elemental dragon.

"Sensei?" I question. "I thought you had already returned."

"No, I was getting some celebratory tea for the lot of you," he answers.

I frown. "If you were getting the tea, then what are the others drinking right now?"

Sensei and I head back down below deck. The dinning room is empty.

"Where'd they all go?!"

Sensei sighs. "I knew I should have put it away somewhere safe..."

"Put what somewhere safe?"

He holds up the bag of tea leaves.

"Traveler's tea."

•••to be continued•••

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