Beyond the Love Square | Miraculous Reader Insert

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This was originally a soulmate AU book that I published years ago (originally titled The Love Hexagon), but I discontinued it and took it off my profile because I wasn't happy with it. I didn't want all my time to go to waste, so I changed some of the storyline so it can be a one shot.

y/n = your name

btw I'm using they/them pronouns for y/n cuz inclusivity is important (plus I'm trans so I can't help myself) 


Adrien's POV

"Hi," I say nervously, sitting beside the new kid. "It's Y/n, isn't it?"

"Yup," they reply, but their eyes don't leave their book.

"I'm Adrien," I start. "How long have you been living in France?"

"Only a couple of days; the city is still brand new to me."

They finally look up from the novel, giving me a smile. For some reason, I blush—they're actually really cute. 

"Hey, um, I was wondering... since you're new to Paris and all, do you want me to show you around?"

They grin. "That would be great!"

"Meet me after school and I'll take you on a tour. Say... have you been to the Eiffel tower yet?"

They shake their head.

I smirk. "I guess I'll be taking you there tonight."

Y/n laughs. "Are you asking me out on a date?"

I blush again. "Maybe..."

They nudge me playfully. "I'm looking forward to it."

The bell rings for lunch, so Y/n and I pack up our things. I tell them to go on ahead; I see Nino coming towards me.

"Yo, dude!" he smirks. "Were you just flirting with Y/n?"

"N-no," I stammer. Wait. Was I?

"I know you've claimed to have gotten over Ladybug, but you only met Y/n just this morning. Are you catching feelings already?"

"Pssh, don't be dumb. I'm just being friendly, that's all."

"Hey, guys, look!" Alya says suddenly, looking out the window. "There's an akumatized villain out there."

Nino goes over to her, but I stay behind. It looks like he's going to stay with Alya for a bit, so I take the chance to escape. I hurry out of the building, duck into an alleyway, and transform into Chat Noir.

I run out into the open to where there's a woman standing on top of the Eiffel Tower, making it rain really hard. I start running towards her, and soon enough, I'm joined by Ladybug.

"Good afternoon, M'lady," I say. "The weather today is just purrrfect, don't you think?"

"Stop it, Chat," she replies, then yelps as a bolt of lightning strikes beside her feet.

"All of you are horrid people who do nothing but hurt others! Prepare to be destroyed!" the villain bellows.

Despite the rain pouring all around us, I hear a squeak behind me. I turn around to see Y/n standing by a building, staring confused at the madwoman on top of the tower. Realizing that they've never seen an akuma before, I head over to assure them that everything is fine, and Ladybug follows.

"It's okay, Y/n," I say as I approach. "We'll handle this."

"H-how do you know my name?"

"I...uh...word gets around?"

Argh, what a lame excuse. I really need to get better at lying. I do a double-take at my own thought; what a weird thing to say.

"You look really familiar," y/n says. They squint at me for a second, then their eyes pop open with a gasp.


I clamp my hand over their mouth before they can finish saying my name.

"We don't know each other's identities," I tell them, referring to me and Ladybug.

They rip my hand off their face. "How?! It's so obvious!"

"We need to get you somewhere safe," Ladybug says, interrupting the conversation.

"No! That's my mum up there!" y/n protests. "What's happened to her?"

"Damn, that's your mom?"

A crash interrupts our conversation. A strike of lightning illuminates the dark and gloomy sky, and rain begins to pour.

"Hate to break it to you, M'lady, but Pouring Rage seems to be quite a challenge," I say referring to the villain's name.

"You're right," she replies. "Let's just get this over with. Lucky Charm!"

Y/n, Ladybug and I all stare at the red and black toy turtle that appeared out of thin air.

"How could that possibly be useful?" I ask. 

"Hmm..." Ladybug starts. Suddenly, she gasps. "Master Fu! Of course! I'll be right back."

"What are supposed to do until then?" I ask, but I don't get an answer from her.

"Could someone please explain to me what the heck is going on?" Y/n asks.

"Later," I mutter.

"Can you at least tell me how I can help?"

"Ohhhh no. You're not helping," I say. "I can't let you get hurt."

"I'm going to ignore that," they protest. "What can I do?"

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