Chapter 3

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"Aunt Lizzy, who were or are my parents? I have so many questions!"
"And here I was sitting wondering when my darling would ask me. It took quite some time for you to ask me sweetheart."
My aunt always has this amazing aroma around her that makes her look young and makes you want to stay around her that I started wondering why she never married.
I mean come on. She was absolutely amazing and gorgeous. Well maybe I could ask her later on.

"They died in an accident."

Huh? That's it? An accident?
Come on. There's got to be more to this. Why wouldn't I have known by now if they died? The way my aunt said it in a few words is making me suspicious.

"Aunt Lizzy? I'm sorry but are you sure it was just that? How come no one ever told me before? It just doesn't make sense! "

"My dear child, Sometimes you have to accept the truth and move on. There honestly is nothing you can do about it."

I didn't want to tell my aunt that I had a bad feeling she was lying because she had a really serious and straight face on and was looking away from me. Her happy aroma suddenly changed to something dark that I couldn't exactly spot. Staying with the Moyer's all my life I learnt that when someone is pretty serious. You do not pester them with more and more questions related to it. So I decided to stick to another question though I was practically dying from inside to know more!

"May I please see some pictures of my parents? Do u have any aunt Lizzy? I have always wanted to know how they looked like!"
" Why,of course Alexis!" Said my aunt with her serious face back to its original brightness.
"I have so many stored for you to come see one day. Why don't you follow me upto the attack? We can go grab the box!"
Wow! A whole box? Of pictures of my parents? Never in a million years did I think I would ever know how they would look like!
So we hiked upstairs and rummaged through pictures and I have got to tell you. I must have had the best parents in the world that they looked so happy and young and radiant in the pictures.
It sparked a new me and I felt like a huge rock was removed off my shoulder after seeing their pictures!
So I soon started college also and made sure I was doing good in college since I didn't want to let my parents or my aunt down.
And this college is where my life took a drastic u-turn.
You know like the carnival rides in fairs? Yeah. A lot like that! A really huge upside-down turn.
Where I met Aaron.

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