Chapter 1: Welcome🌏

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In my Tokka Story Toph is not blind


Sokka stood at the bottom of the stairs waiting for Katara who took forever to get ready, "Katara c'mon, we got orientation today so we got to be there early," Sokka yelled from downstairs, "Coming," Katara shouted back as she walked down the stairs carrying her suitcases, "finally, let's go," Sokka said rushing through the door. They packed the bags and took off for the 1-hour journey to there school.

Katara and Sokka arrived at the front of the school and was more ready for the school year more than ever. The said their goodbyes and took there bags to get checked in, "Katara and Sokka," Katara said as the receptionist looked for there names, "Ah yes, Katara you'll be room 567 and Sokka your room is 574, "She said as she smiled at the two, "NEXT!" she yelled as the water tribe sibling were pushed aside. 

They made their way to there rooms as their friends were already there, "Hey guys," Sokka said as he saw Aang and Zuko jump down from there beds, "Sokka!" they both yelled as they all hugged, "How was your summer break?" Zuko asked as he took Sokka's bags to his side of the room, "It was great I was spending a lot of time with Yue and we were having so much fun," He said as they went to check on the girls in their room.

"I'm back!" Katara said as she opened the door to find Mai, Suki and Toph, "Katara!" They squealed as she walked through the door before hugging her to death, "How was your summer," Suki asked, "It was amazing got to hang out with Aang most of it as well as go down South for a bit," she said as. 

There was a knock on the door and Suki opened it, "Hey boys and welcome back Sokka," She said as they all came into the room, Zuko went over to Suki and Aang went over to Katara. Mai was out with her boyfriend in the halls, Sokka went and sat down next to Toph who punched him in the arm, "Ouch, what was that for?" he said smiling, "Good to see you, meathead," she said as she laughed.

They all went on a walk around the school, touring and laughing about old memories they had growing up here, "Have any of you seen Yue," Sokka asked but they all looked quiet, "Oh there she is," Sokka said running up to her, "This isn't gonna end well," Katara said as they left to give the two privacy.

 "Hey Yue," He said as he kissed her she pulled away quickly, "Hey, what's wrong?" Sokka said looking confused more than ever, "Sokka we have to break up," Yue said as she was about to cry, "What!" Sokka said looking at her, "We have to break up, I'm moving up north and I found someone else," She said breaking into full tears. 

Sokka couldn't believe what she was saying, "I couldn't leave without telling you. It's my last day," She said as she turned away. Sokka was heartbroken and before Yue could say anything else he left running off past his friend back to his room.

They all looked at each other and knew the damage had been done.


Thank you for reading 

Go check out my other stories

Stay tuned for more🌏🌊   


Sokka: 18

Katara: 17

Aang: 17

Toph: 17

Zuko: 18

Suki: 18

Azula: 17

Ty-Lee: 17

Mai: 18

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