Chapter 5: The Weekend🌏

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It was finally the weekend and the Gaang had gotten through a lot. First, Mai left the room and moved to Azula and Ty-Lee's room because she felt out of turn with the other girls but they still talked despite the situation.

 Classes had finished and the girls were relaxing in there rooms planning over their weekend.

"So, what should we do for the weekend?" Suki asked as they all laid on their beds just talking, "Uh, I don't know," Toph said, "How about we do something with the boys," Katara said as she sat up.

"Well I'm staying here, I wouldn't wanna be the third wheel to your guys' dates," Toph said, "You won't because Sokka will probably be there too," Suki said smirking at Toph. "whatever," Toph replied.

"Let's go get the boys for dinner," Toph said leaving out the door to their room, "Well, you two coming," She peeked her head back through the door. Katara and Suki followed Toph and heard the boys talking so they decided to eavesdrop.

"What should we do this weekend?" Aang asked Zuko, "We should hang out with the girls," Sokka said, "Someone really wants to hang out with Toph," Zuko smirked as the girls cooed outside the door quietly which made Toph blush a little.

"No, I mean it's just something to do because we're all good friends," Sokka spat out which made the boys very suspicious and bust out laughing, "Let's go get dinner, I'm starving," Sokka said as he opened the door and all three girls fell to his feet.

"Uh, hey," Katara said nervously laughing, "Suki, this isn't our room," Toph said as the girls backed away from the room, "Oh, sorry guys," Suki nervously chuckled as the girls bolted down the hallway. 

The boys quickly followed as they were chasing the girls through the hall out into the garden where the boys cut the girls off, "Gotcha now," Aang said as he grabbed Katara who fell on top of him as she tackled him.

Suki was fast but Zuko was faster, She ran past him but he caught her and they fell on the grass next to Aang and Katara. 

Toph ran past Sokka who surprised her by grabbing her hand and spinning her as they fell on top of each other. 

They all laughed as they sat there in silence for a few minutes, "I don't know about you guys but I'm starving," Sokka got up ready to go eat, "When are you never hungry," Aang said as they all laughed.

"Well, I'm going to get food, race you there snoozles," Toph said running to the dining hall, "Hey, no fair," Sokka shouted running after Azula.

"When are those two gonna get together," Zuko said as they sighed at the sight of there friends acting like they were a couple.

"And the melon lord wins again," Toph said as she lined up to see what they were getting, "Haha, Okay but only this time," Sokka said as they laughed.

The group got their food and sat down in their spot, "So, what should we do this weekend," Katara asked, "Let's go to the mall," Suki said, "How about we go somewhere, where we all love going," Zuko said as everyone laughed lightly.

"How about we go Go-Karting," Toph said as they all turned to her, "What?" She questioned there looks on their faces, "Toph you genius," Aang said. "Well then, Tomorrow we go Go-Karting," Sokka said as they continued talking about what they were to do.

"Hey, do you girls wanna have a sleepover in our room tonight?" Zuko asked, "Yeah, It could be fun," Suki said finishing off her food, "Okay, so give us 1 hour and we'll be there," Katara said as they exited the dining hall.

"Ready to lose in Pai Sho, snoozles," Toph asked as she chuckled, "Oh your on," Sokka said as the girls entered their room.

In The Girls Room

The girls got ready and packed a few things in their bags for tonight, "Hey, Toph, can I ask you something," Suki said, "Hit me," "Okay, so why aren't you and Sokka dating," Suki said smirking waiting for her reaction.

"Pffft, okay Suki. We're not dating because we're good friends and he just broke up with Yue, It's different," Toph said as she packed her bag getting into her pyjamas, "And besides, me and Sokka, your funny. We're just friends." Toph laughed as she entered the bathroom.

Meanwhile, In The Boys Room  

The boys entered there room getting ready for when the girls were coming over, "So, Sokka. When are you and Toph gonna date?" Zuko said as Aang laughed in the back, "Never, we're just friends," Sokka said as he got the beds ready, "Wow Sokka, love is blind," Aang said as him and Zuko laughed their heads off.

"Grow up will ya. Toph and I are Best friends and I just broke up with Yue," Sokka said as he ignored them, "Whatever you say, bro," Zuko said as they continued getting the room ready.

There was a knock on the door and the girls came in, "So, What are we doing first?" Toph asked as she placed her bags down near the others, "Well, we got movies and board games and snacks," Aang said as they started getting into the activities.

They played monopoly, which Toph won and poker which Toph also won winning all the best snacks, "Never mess with the melon lord," She said as she collected her prize, "I'm just kidding, eat up idiots," She laughed as they ran toward it.

It was about 1 am and they were still up watching a movie, the girls were crying cause it was sad, "Woah, Toph never knew you had that emotion," Sokka said laughing a little as she punched his arm. Everyone turned their attention to the two who were obviously "flirting" (As the gaang called).

They watched on solidly as Sokka tickled Toph as she giggled a little, soon they were play fighting and the group was just making kissy faces and noises and the two, "What," Toph said looking back at the group, "Nothing, just continue doing what you do," Zuko said as they all snickered.

Toph and Sokka blushed away from each other than smirked at each other as they grabbed a pillow each and slowly walked up to Zuko, "Hey Zuko," Sokka said as he turned around to face him just to be met by a pillow.

"I see how it is," Zuko said getting up and getting a pillow chucking it at Sokka who ducked it and hit Aang instead, "Oh it's on," Aang said as he air bent a few pillows into the air heading towards them.

"PILLOW FIGHT!" Suki shouted as they started fighting each other, Sokka Grabbed Toph's hand and they ran up to the higher level of there room. 

"They won't find us here," Sokka said as he and Toph waited till they were found, "That was fun," Toph said just to break the silence, "Yeah, it was, wait till they find us," Sokka said before snoozing off.

Toph did the same as she laid on the pillow he had bought and slept next to him.


Thank you for reading 

Stay tuned for more🤩😁 

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