Chapter 11: It's a "date"🌏

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Sokka had just left and it was about 8 pm and Toph was pretty tired from studying. She walked past her parents as she made her way up to her room, "Toph, are you sure he's not your boyfriend," her mother smirked at her. 

Toph froze, "Muuuuuuum," she groaned as her mother laughed a little.

Sokka arrived back at the room and snuck in just so the boys didn't see him. It was dark so he decided to turn the lights on, "ahhhhh," Sokka yelled as he saw Katara, Aang, Suki and Zuko, "What took you so long," Katara asked as Zuko and Aang made kissy noises.

 "Oh, grow up you two," Sokka walked over to his bed and place his stuff on the floor, "Well, we just did studying and we talked," everyone looked at him with raised eyebrows.

"yeah, people who are gone for 4 hours are just totally studying and talking," Zuko smirked as everyone laughed.

"I'm going back to the room, you coming Suki?" Katara asked as she got up, "right behind you," Suki and Katara left and Zuko and Aang were making fun of Sokka while he just sat there and soaked it all in. 

"So, are you two ever gonna stop?" Sokka sat up and checked his phone, "Who are you texting? Toph?" 

Aang asked looking over, "You guys know not everything is about Toph," He rolled his eyes as he returned it to his phone to see it was Toph who messaged,

Toph: Thanks again, ponytail

Sokka: No problem Toph😁

Toph: I'll see you tomorrow for that "date" you promised me😝

Sokka: Night

Toph: NIght

Sokka just stared down at his phone smiling as Zuko came from behind and snatched it, "Hey!" Sokka shouted as Zuko read the messages, "look who was talking to Toph," Zuko smirked, "and you are going on a date," Aang said, "No, we're just gonna hang out tomorrow," Sokka explained as he got his phone back.

"Well, can we come?" They asked, "NO!" Sokka said as he went to bed as the boys kept laughing and teasing him. Sokka couldn't stop thinking about tomorrow which made him smile.

The Next Day

 Sokka woke up early and went down to get breakfast. He sat down as he grabbed his coffee and a sandwich,

Sokka: Good Morning sleepy head 

Toph: really this early

Sokka: I'm just checking where we're going tonight😝

Toph: Let's catch a movie then you gotta take me to the arcade to beat your ass at Dodgem cars😂

Sokka: You're on!

He looked up at his phone and saw Zuko and Aang standing there, "What do you two want," he sipped his coffee, "We just came to get breakfast," Zuko sat down next to him, "So, who was on the phone with?" Aang smirked as him and Zuko kept nudging him.

"It's non-ya business," he took another sip as the girls arrived, "Hey, guys," Suki sat down as she kissed Zuko, "Hey, were just talking about-" Sokka than jumped in, "What is your favourite meat," thats the only thing he could think of at the moment.

"Okay," Katara looked at him weirdly, "So, It's Friday, any plans tonight," Suki broke the silence, "Uh, I'm going to go out tonight to see dad," Sokka lied, "Oh, can I come," Katara asked.

"NO! I mean, no," Sokka calmed down cause he didn't want Katara to know, "Why?" Katara was getting suspicious, "Because I need more clothes and Money," Sokka got up as the bell rang and left for class.

Katara and Suki both looked at each other, then they got a text from Toph,

Toph: Please come after school!!

Katara: Are you okay?

Toph: I'll tell you when you and Suki get here

Katara: We'll be there!

"Okay, we'll take your car," Suki nodded and they left for their classes.


The day went by and as the bell rang for the last class, Katara and Suki ran out of the room and drove straight to Toph's house. 

They rang the bell and Toph answered, "TOPH!" the girls shouted as they went in for a big hug, "Hey, thanks for coming guys," Toph led them to her room as they all sat down. 

"So, what did you call us here for," Suki asked, "Sokka asked me out but were going as friends, and I needed help getting ready," Toph waited for screams but she looked at their faces.

Katara and Suki looked at each other and squealed, "OMG, I knew he wasn't gonna see dad," Katara said as her and Suki were jumping up and down.

They got to work getting her ready, Toph wore High waisted jeans with a Strapless crop and a big puffy jacket over it.

"We did good Suki," Katara said as it was time for Toph to go, "Thank you guys," Toph hugged them and then punched there arms, "Have fun," Suki said as they walked her down stairs.

They opened the door and Sokka was there, "Woah," Sokka saw Toph and couldn't take his eyes off her, until Katara nudged him, "Toph were you going," Her father came out, "Just going out with some friends," She shouted as they left.

They went to the movies first, they sat down as it started. Throughout the movie Sokka kept glancing over at Toph as he was stunned by her, "Snoozles you okay," She could feel his stare, "Uh, yeah," he whispered back.

They made it to the arcade, "ready to be beaten," Toph grinned, "Oh, your on!" Sokka said. 

They got in the cars and started bumping into each other, "Hey, no fair," Sokka blew a raspberry at Toph as he drove off. They played games and ended the night with pizza.

"Thanks for the night ponytail," Toph pulled on it while she walked to the car with her hands full of stuffed animals, "I had fun too, besides the part where you beat me at dodgems," he laughed.

They drove home and Sokka walked her to the door, "I'll see you tomorrow," Toph smiled, "Uh, yeah," Sokka grinned. Toph turned around but Sokka grabbed her by the wrist, grabbed her face and kissed her.


That is all for today's chapter😉

Stay tuned for more😁😍🤩  

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