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It wasn't unusual for Jane and Ramona to be in the Great Hall early for breakfast. They sat facing the Ravenclaw table as they had breakfast in comfortable silence, being one of the first students to get in the Hall. It was raining outside, the scarce lightning bringing light in the Hall, the occasional thunder making the castle shake. Headmistress McGonagall was sitting at the High Table, having breakfast with Professor Flitwick beside her, the two of them talking among themselves.

The students that got in the Hall briefly glanced at Ramona and Jane before they continued their way to their seats, but they didn't seem to be bothered. After the way Ramona had talked to Annabeth, rumours about her had circulated around the castle as they always did. This time, it had come out Ramona had feelings for Scorpius who refused to give her the time of day. Annabeth who had no doubt started the rumours—although they had no way of proving it—had dragged Jane into this mess as well, as the rumour claimed it was her Scorpius had feelings for.

The whole ordeal was a mess for sure, with Ramona, Jane and Scorpius not really paying attention to the rumours. After all, they weren't true. The dynamic between the three of them hadn't changed at all, and after about three days, less students were paying attention to them. It was only a matter of time before the next rumour circulated around the castle and the students forgot about them.

More and more people got in the Great Hall, a group of fourth-year Gryffindors being the loudest, Lily Potter in the middle, grinning and laughing along with her friends. They sat down at their table as more and more people got in the Hall. Louis got in the room a while later and headed to the Gryffindor table. After a while, he headed to the Slytherin table as well.

"Good morning," he greeted them both with a bright smile and turned to Ramona once the girls had replied. "Is our meeting still on for this afternoon?"

"It is," Ramona nodded with a smirk. "When do you find the time to study with all the meetings you have with people, Louis?"

"I have my ways," he shrugged as he started walking over to the Ravenclaw table to join his friends, "see you later!"

Ramona and Jane continued having their breakfast. More people got in the Hall, Annabeth and Charlotte sitting down a few ways away with Charlotte sending them both a small smile as she followed after Annabeth. The moment they were gone, Ramona leaned over to Jane.

"She's going to leave her at some point."

Jane glanced over at her with raised brows. "Who, Charlotte?" At Ramona's nod, she shook her head. "No way, she follows her everywhere."

"She's going to leave her at some point, I'm telling you," she insisted, "I know what I'm talking about."

Jane still seemed unsure, although she didn't tell her that. Ramona had a way of reading people Jane had never understood but either way, she doubted that was true. It was too far-fetched in her opinion.

She stopped thinking about it soon later when Scorpius walked over to them and sat down opposite them with a smile, for once, alone. Ramona's eyebrows rose in surprise. "Where's Albus?"

Scorpius grinned. "No greeting? That's the first thing you say to me?"

"Hello, Scorpius," Jane sent him a smile as Ramona rolled her eyes. "How did you sleep?"

"Well, thank you."

"See, Jane asked for both of us," Ramona smirked, "now, where is Albus?"

"Lily has her birthday today so he headed over to the Gryffindor table to wish her happy birthday."

Ramona hummed, "That explains it."

Scorpius huffed, "Merlin, you act like he's my father and I'm lost without him-"

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